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今天我们熟悉称作“大草场”的地方。Today we are familiar with what is referred to as the Padang.

古晋的独立广场和毗邻的独立皇宫酒店。Kuching's Merdeka Palace Hotel &Suites and the adjoining Padang Merdeka.

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2009年9月巴东近海处曾爆发了7.6级的地震。In September 2009, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck just offshore from Padang.

它曾经不叫“大草场”,名字是1906年左右才出现的。It was, however, not always known as the Padang and came to be so known only around 1906.

这个区域集中在西贝鲁特岛的下面,离苏门答腊岛的沿海城市巴东不远。The section is centered under the island of Siberut, off the Sumatran coastal city of Padang.

印尼海军的舰艇医院抵达巴东,提供地震灾民医疗服务。Indoneisan Navy's medical ship arrived in Padang to provide earthquake victims with medical assitance.

一名电单车司机和他驾驶的乘客在巴东帕里亚曼,印度尼西亚,2009年10月3日Patamuan过去村被毁的房屋。A motorcyclist and his passengers drive past destroyed houses at Patamuan village in Padang Pariaman, Indonesia, October 3, 2009.

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官方称,随着瓦砾下找到的尸体增多,巴东当地死亡人数无疑还会上升,可能达到数千人。Officials say that the death toll in Padang will certainly rise, possibly into the thousands, as more bodies are found in the rubble.

主街边上的一排汽车陈列室——两三层楼高,按照巴东的标准可算豪华——也化为废墟。A string of car showrooms along the main street – two and three storeys high, grand by Padang standards – are nothing more than rubble.

由于电力和通讯线路中断,巴东陷入一片黑暗,救援工作也因此受阻。Rescue efforts have been hampered by the disruption of electricity and telecommunication lines, which have thrown Padang into darkness.

一个受地震影响地区的鸟瞰图,引发巴东帕里亚曼,西苏门答腊,印度尼西亚,星期六,2009年10月3日滑坡。An aerial view of an area affected by earthquake-triggered landslide in Padang Pariaman, West Sumatra, Indonesia, Saturday, Oct. 3, 2009.

印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛海岸附近发生7.6级地震,造成巴东市严重损失。An earthquake of magnitude 7.6, centred off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra, caused widespread damage in the city of Padang.

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如果巴东地震属于这种情况,那么这次地震将降低在该地区近期任何时候发生特大地震的可能性。If that were to be the case for the Padang earthquake, the event could reduce the likelihood of a great quake at that location anytime soon.

人们有可能被围困在瓦砾碎片中,在巴东,百余人今晚要露宿公园和路边,担心会有更多的余震。People may be trapped in the rubble. Hundreds of people in Padang are spending the night in parks and sidewalks, terrified of more aftershocks.

一只玳瑁泅泳在马来西亚麻六甲州巴丹哥文丁海滩的孵育中心。A hawksbill turtle swims at its hatchery centre in Padang Kemunting Beach in Malaysia's state of Malacca in this February 8, 2007 file photograph.

雅加达邮报指出印尼卫生部已派遣医疗队携带食品前往同在苏门答腊岛西部的巴东和巴里亚门。The health ministry has dispatched medical teams carrying food supplies to Padang and Pariaman, also in West Sumatra, according to the Jakarta Post.

印度尼西亚一城市,位于苏门塔腊半岛北部,在巴东的西北偏北处。它是一个位于农业区的船运和贸易中心。人口1,378,955。A city of Indonesia on northern Sumatra north-northwest of Padang . It is a shipping and trade center for an agricultural region. Population, 1,378,955.

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棉兰印度尼西亚一城市,位于苏门塔腊半岛北部,在巴东的西北偏北处。它是一个位于农业区的船运和贸易中心。人口1,378,955。A city of Indonesia on northern Sumatra north-northwest of Padang. It is a shipping and trade center for an agricultural region. Population, 1, 378, 955.

孩子是在一个内部在巴东帕里亚曼,在西苏门答腊,2009年10月4日印度尼西亚亚齐省沿海城市地震损坏的房子床垫。A child lies on a mattress inside a house damaged by an earthquake in Padang Pariaman, a coastal town in the Indonesian province of West Sumatra, October 4, 2009.

地势低洼的巴东看来易受海啸袭击,当地居民已受过训练,一旦警报响起,他们就会按指定路线撤离至地势较高处。Low-lying Padang is seen as vulnerable to a tsunami and its residents have been trained to flee to higher ground along designated routes when an alert is sounded.