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我父亲曾经在反情报机关工作。My father used to work in counterintelligence.

几个月的时间里他接受训练。Within months he was being trained in counterintelligence.

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这支部队的大多数士兵都是战术反情报的特工。Most of the unit's soldiers are tactical counterintelligence agents.

本文从竞争分析的角度论述了该如何实行反竞争情报。This article states how to actualize the counterintelligence in the view of the competitive analysis.

我是反间谍第15组的成员,就在非武装区之外活动。I was a member of the 15th Marine Counterintelligence Team, operating just below the Demilitarized Zone.

文章分析了反竞争情报与企业信息安全的关系。This article discusses the relationship between Enterprise Counterintelligence and Information Security.

NCIS是一个美国海军的一个法律的执行和反间谍的基础部门。NCIS is the primary law enforcement and counterintelligence arm of the United States Department of the Navy.

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一经发现,列车警卫就报告反间谍机构,后者将紧紧跟踪罗密欧们并在他们踏错第一步时就立马擒获。Alerted by train guards, counterintelligence officers would follow the Romeo spies and arrest them at their first wrong move.

案文规定,例如数据收集,分析,秘密行动的情报的基本原则概述,反间谍活动。Text provides an overview of the basic principles of intelligence such as data collection, analysis, covert action, and counterintelligence.

依本小节签发的命令措词不得暴露为进行反情报调查目的而签发此命令。The terms of an order issued under this subsection shall not disclose that the order is issued for purposes of a counterintelligence investigation.

反竞争情报研究作为竞争情报的另一面,应该受到情报学界、咨询界和企业界的密切关注。Counterintelligence , the other side of CI coin, it deserves close care coming from the informatics professionals, enterprises and consulting firms.

美军官员表明他们已经训练反间谍组织来追捕阿富汗部队中的潜伏间谍来应对塔利班的袭击。U. S. military officials have said they are responding by training counterintelligence agents to track down sleeper agents within the Afghan security forces.

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美国军队现在训练阿富汗部队反间谍活动的能力,以保证他们在受到袭击前能发现军队里的间谍。The U. S. military is now training Afghan units in basic counterintelligence so they can try to find infiltrators in army and police units before they attack.

汉森先生已在联邦调查局效力25年,这期间,他大部分时间是从事反间谍工作,刺探苏联以及后来的俄国在美国的谍报前哨的情报。Mr. Hanssen had worked for the FBI for 25 years, spending most of that time in counterintelligence spying on Soviet and then Russian espionage outposts in the United States.

当然,非法者通过很难进行反谍报的英国这样国家,潜入其他国家,而很少通过奥地利或芬兰这些“软”国家。Certainly, the illegals are used in other countries with difficult counterintelligence environments like Britain, for example, but rarely in "soft" countries like Austria or Finland.

并非只有史密斯与梁之间有这种事,曾任旧金山针对中国的反间谍小组领导的联邦调查局人员威廉·克里夫兰亦同史密斯一样。Not only was Smith having an affair with Leung, Wise says, but so was another F.B.I. man, William Cleveland, who was the head of a Chinese counterintelligence squad in San Francisco.

而在2008年,德国国内反间谍机关在其年度报告中宣称俄罗斯和天朝要对大部分德国境内的情报收集活动负责。In 2008, Germany's domestic counterintelligence service declared in its annual report that Russia and China were responsible for most of the intelligence-gathering activity in Germany.

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这样从定坪以南到文川之间54英里的地段上除了阿蒙德的特战连和少数南朝鲜反间谍特工进行些许巡察之外再无其它掩护。This left 54 miles from Chigyong south to Munchon uncovered except for light patrolling by Almond's Special Operations Company and a handful of South Korean counterintelligence agents.

但是索尔那时候是,现在也是个有钱的出口商人,做火腿和奶酪的生意,而他与米莉亚跟娱乐界曾经有过的故事被塞林格的“反间谍机构”藏得好好的。But Sol was, and is, a prosperous importer of hams and cheeses, and any connection he or Miriam ever had with show business is well hidden by the Salinger counterintelligence apparatus.

他的书描绘出的是一幅发人深省的,有时是悲情的画面,美国的执法机构和反间谍力量远远不能应付来自中国的挑战。His book paints a sobering, sometimes pathetic picture of American law enforcement and counterintelligence forces that appear woefully incapable of coping with the challenge from China.