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等等,打算去哪?。Etc, plan où aller?

我怎么一直都没见。到你?。H. ow come I never see y. ou?.

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当你去爱,你就送出去了一份礼物。When ou love, you give a gift.

周玲安戏剧演出视频!Betty Zh betty ou Acting Video!

现在让我给你们提一些建议。Now let me gi vey ou some advice.

难道我没有告诉你们水是什么样的么?Didn't I tell ou what water is like?

瓯绣是温州的一项传统工艺。Ou Embroidery is a traditional craft.

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你有告诉你他连小弟弟都切了吗?。Did I telly ou even his dick got sliced?

但你不能把中国带出中国人的心。But ou can't take China out of a Chinese.

你真的想尝试网络营销?。Dob ou Really Want To Try Network Marketing?

瓯江电影院后来毁于一场火灾。Ou River Cinema was later destroyed in a fire.

我告诉过他们我有幽闭症,我必须出去!I told em I was claustrophobic, I go get ou here!

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欧还有为数不少的山水景物词。Ou Yangxiu also had many Mountains and Rivers Ci.

地中海是在欧非两洲之间。The Mediterranean is between two continents Ou Feis.

我想请你帮个忙,不过你能替我保密吗?I want to asn ou a favor, but can ou neep it secret for me?

你知道我的太祖父们是那时长大的吗?Did ou know that my great-grandparents grew up in those days?

你这个借走我初吻的色魔,终有一天我要你还给我。Ou take away the rapist, I want you to give it to me one day.

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伊欧告诉父亲,苏切给了朵索七十万。Ou tell father, Sue gave cutting line seven hundred thousand.

如果没有雨,消防人员将没有水去灭火。If there is no rain, firemen will have no water to put ou fire.

卉卉和小春在酒吧喝酒,小春被灌醉,睡了过去。Ou ou and doing in the bar drinking, doing was drunk, passed out.