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两个逃避型的人能在一起吗?Do two avoidant people ever get together?

有时候他们过于容忍焦虑型或回避型伴侣的行为。Sometimes they can be too forgiving of anxious or avoidant behaviour.

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回避型的人则视情感亲密为自我独立的丧失,会和伴侣保持距离。Avoidant people equate intimacy with a loss of independence and keep their distance.

她说,各年龄段的单身女性还会采取一种回避、稍稍妄想的方法。Single women of all of ages also take an avoidant and slightly delusional approach, she says.

如果你是焦虑型的人或是回避型的人,毫无疑问地有些事情你应该做,有些事情你则不应该做。If you’re an anxious or avoidant person there are certain things you should and should not do.

男性不大喜欢沟通,例如,有更多关于逃避型男性的描述。The idea that men don't like to communicate, for example — that's more descriptive of avoidant men.

“逃避依附”型的人害怕亲密情感,经常说许多亲密情感的不好。"Avoidant attachment" people are afraid of emotional intimacy and often say a lot of bad things about it.

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最后,对于“回避型”婴儿,当妈妈离开房间,再返回时,他的表现是好像什么事情都没有发生。Finally, the avoidant baby acted as if nothing had happened when the mother left and returned to the room.

回避型与精神分裂人格障碍的人会在文本交流这种潜在匿名的环境中顺利进行治疗吗?Will avoidant and schizoid people fare well in the potentially anonymous environment of text conversation?

此外,男女暴力犯罪组在“偏执”、“分裂样”、“逃避”3个方面也存在显著差异。Besides, male and female criminal violence groups had discrepancy on "Paranoid", " Schizoid ", " Avoidant" 3 aspects.

这种改变可以通过多种途径发生,例如,当焦虑型或逃避型的人同安全型的人在一起时。It can happen in several ways, for example when someone anxious or avoidant gets into a relationship with someone secure.

与分裂性人格障碍不同,逃避型的人渴望社会关系,但感到不可及。Unlike schizoid personality disorder, avoidant people yearn for social relations yet feel they are unable to obtain them.

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回避性性格混乱感觉羞怯,害怕别人的评价。Those with an Avoidant Personality Disorder feel inadequate and inhibited and avoid people for fear of being judged by others.

逃避型的人想要亲密关系——因为我们都是要和他人之间存在联系的——但是当他们同人比较亲近时,经常会发生一些奇怪的事情。Avoidant people want to be in relationships — because we're all programmed to get attached to other people — but something strange happens when they get close to a person.

抑郁障碍患者中最常见的人格障碍类型为回避型、强迫型、消极型以及偏执型。Avoidant personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, passive personality disorder and paranoid personality disorder were much common in depressive patients.