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此外,还探讨了鹅掌楸属种质资源的保护策略。The strategies of conservation of Liriodendron were also discussed in this paper.

在鹅掌楸的营养生长和生殖两方面,资源不平衡分配。Resources are evenly allocated between reproductive and vegetative growth for Liriodendron chinense.

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以杂交鹅掌楸幼胚为外植体,进行体细胞胚胎发生研究。Somatic embryogenesis was successfully done in Liriodendron hybrids with the immature zygotic embryos as explants.

中国鹅掌楸花粉在北美鹅掌楸柱头上萌发良好,速度快且整齐。The pollens of Liriodendron Chinese germinated normally, fast and at the nearly same speed on the stigma of the L. tulipifera.

马褂木是我国南方优良的造林绿化树种,也是山地丘陵地区优先发展的纸浆纤维材和胶合板用材树种。Liriodendron Chinese is a superior virescence forestation specie , also a paper pulp-making and veneer-making specie in south China.

说明杂交鹅掌楸体细胞胚胎发生及发育过程中存在丰富的能量代谢。These indicated that there existed rich energy metabolisms in the genesis and development of somatic embryos of Liriodendron hybrid.

使用含有水杨酸的中药癣药水,作用迅速,治疗效果明确,不易复发。To contain salicylic acid of Chinese tinea medicine, tinea corporis, hand-foot tinea, Liriodendron wind, moisture treatment of the foot.

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其中海桐抗镉污染胁迫的能力优于女贞、银杏、香樟和鹅掌揪。The cadmium tolerance of Pittosporum tobira better than those of Ligustrum lucidum, Ginkgo biloba, Liriodendron chinense, Cinnamomum camphora.

本文首次采用常规的交配设计试验与SSR分子标记技术两种方法相结合研究鹅掌楸属树种配子选择及繁殖适合度。This paper firstly reported the gamete selection & reproduction fitness in Liriodendron by the method of combing conventional mating design and SSR molecular markers.

通过一系列试验,研究了插穗粗细及扦插基质、扦插时间等环境因子与杂种马褂木扦插生根的关系。The diameter of cuttings, substrates, planting time and other environmental factors for Liriodendron chinense x L. tulipifera are studied with opposite test, uniform test and orthogonal test.