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多叶的树下有树荫。Leafy trees cast shade.

我可能是你的多叶的岛。I could be your leafy island.

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升起你全部木叶如同旌旗招展。Hang all your leafy banners out!

这些多叶蔬菜是什么价钱?How much are the leafy vegetables?

绿叶菜和低碳水化合物蔬菜。Leafy greens and low-carb vegetables.

所以买绿叶菜要挑深色的。So buy green leafy vegetables to choose dark.

少有蔬菜能与这种多叶绿色植物比肩。Few foods can hold a candle to this leafy green.

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那个瘦人斜靠在干净多叶的豆科植物上。The lean man leans on the clean leafy bean plant.

在夏天我喜欢吃一些叶状蔬菜。I like to eat some leafy vegetables in the summer.

树木在他们头顶上空形成了一个枝叶茂盛的遮篷。The trees formed a leafy canopy above their heads.

深绿色叶片蔬菜是一个很好的爱好。Dark, leafy green vegetables are an acquired taste.

Bancroft小学的孩子们在给她们收获的绿叶菜称重。Kids from the Bancroft school weigh some leafy greens.

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米黄色的小地毯上印着繁茂的蔓藤和粉红色的花朵。A beige rug patterned with leafy vines and pink flowers.

刚巧是我的孩子们最喜爱的叶菜蔬菜。Kangkong happens to be my kids ' favorite leafy vegetable.

这座岛的尾部,就像一艘巨大的叶子形成的船的船头。The end of the island is like a prow of a huge leafy ship.

另一处在伦敦南郊的林木苍翠的低洼地。The other is in the lowlands of a leafy south London suburb.

本周,我们的话题将从块根类蔬菜转移到多叶蔬菜。This week, we move from root vegetables to a leafy vegetable.

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太阳正从那些树的树梢上冉冉升起。The sun was just rising through the leafy tops of those trees.

伦敦的美妙之处,在于其到处有洒满秋叶的街道和公园。London is blessed with its abundance of leafy streets and parks.

植株多分枝,形成一个叶状枝的小型垫。Plants many branched, forming a compact cushion of leafy shoots.