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“超级奶爸”大概上映了一年。"The Pacifier" played for, like, a year.

直肠的或电子的慰抚者温度被偏爱。A rectal or electronic pacifier temperature is preferred.

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别用奶嘴代替了喂养的一切。And don't use the pacifier as a substitute for nurturing.

吮吸奶嘴是婴儿能够做到的,为数不多的事情之一One of the few things babies can do is they could suck on a pacifier.

一种改进的安抚奶嘴,所述安抚奶嘴在安抚奶嘴罩内具有少于两个气孔。Improved pacifiers having less than two air holes within the pacifier shield.

很多孩子直到初学走路甚至是学龄前时期仍使用奶嘴,也没有什么不妥。Many children use a pacifier well into their toddler and even preschool years.

第一,文章上面提到过,使用奶嘴会妨碍宝宝的语言发展。One, as mentioned above, is that pacifier use can interfere with speech development.

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爸爸轻柔地握了一下我的小手儿,然后把安抚奶嘴从我的嘴里拨了出去。My father gave my small hand a gentle squeeze , then tugged the pacifier out of my mouth.

现在我会当自己是“蹒跚的业余人士”、“移动奶嘴”或是“奶牛”。At the moment, I refer to myself as "shambling amateur", "ambulant pacifier" or "milch cow".

他们能做的事情之一就是吮吸,这些婴儿听到法语时会去吮吸奶嘴One of the things they can do is suck, and these babies would suck on a pacifier to hear French.

那就看看我们列的十种方法来帮助你的宝宝戒掉奶嘴,这些方法真的很管用。Get great ideas that really work from our list of 10 ways to help your child give up the pacifier.

那么在最初的时光里,喂婴儿奶嘴可能只是医生或者产科病房护士的命令。So for those early hours, a pacifier might be just what the doctor—or maternity ward nurse—ordered.

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最后,在有些情况下,奶嘴会让宝宝的上牙向外倾斜。Finally, in some cases, the pacifier can cause your child's upper teeth to tip forward toward the lip.

最好就给他喂乳,奶瓶,或橡皮奶头并在随后的几分钟后试着继续将它们从他的嘴里移开。It, s perfectly okay to give him back the breast, bottle, or pacifier and start over a few minutes later.

在这个年龄段使用奶嘴就会造成长久性的牙齿问题,所以你的孩子在那之前必须戒掉奶嘴。At that age, pacifier use can cause lasting dental problems, so your child should be off the binky by then.

所关心的是安抚奶嘴的使用,初级研究终点是母乳哺喂期间或专一性。The exposure of interest was pacifier use, and the primary study endpoints were breast-feeding duration or exclusivity.

只要你的孩子在5岁左右戒掉奶嘴的话,那就不必担心他的长期的牙齿健康问题。As long as your child gives up the pacifier by around age 5, there's probably no need to worry about long-term dental problems.

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使宝宝的奶嘴保持清洁。可以钩在你的尿布袋,钱包或者推车上。Keep your pacifiers and nipples clean and handy with our EZ-to-Hook Pacifier Carry Case. Hook it onto your diaper bag, purse or stroller.

如果你的宝宝经常含着奶嘴,那这样可能会减少宝宝牙牙学语,练习说话的机会,或者奶嘴可能会搅乱他的言语发展。If your child often has a pacifier in his mouth, he may be less likely to babble and practice talking, or the pacifier may distort his speech.

当孩子长大一点时,奶嘴可以换成牙环,或者彻底拿走他,给孩子留下一个柔软的玩偶。As the child gets older, the pacifier can be converted to a teething ring and then removed completely, leaving the child with a comforting doll.