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记日记。Keep a diary.

再接再厉哦!Keep studying!

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再接再厉哦!Keep studying.

请留著它。Please keep it.

再接再厉哦!Just keep at it.

保持其简短。Keep them short.

好好养伤。Keep wound well.

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我们会各走各的路。We keep walking.

我能养宠物吗?。Can I keep a pet?

让火一直烧着吧。Keep the fire in.

靠左行!Keep to the left!

就把它放在箱子里吧。Keep it in the box.

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保持缆绳松弛。Keep towline slack.

保持缆绳绷紧。Keep towline tight.

我们必须保持安静。We must keep quiet.

我可以留下这本书吗?May I keep the book?

也没有啥承诺须去实现。No promises to keep.

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你有没有保留小票?Do you keep receipts?

我一直将它留在桌子上。I keep it on my desk.

保持云下能见。Keep clear of clouds.