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这次竞选中的无名英雄。The unsung hero of this campaign.

他是英国科学史上未经赞美的英雄。He is the unsung hero of British science.

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您是无名英雄,又是教坛名师。You are unsung heroes, is the world famous.

它可是我们的繁荣默默无闻的实干家。It is the unsung achiever of our prosperity.

人生路漫漫,无名英雄,再唱一曲饶舌的情歌吧。Soar like a love song that stutters, life long, unsung.

我要唱出的歌至今未曾唱响。The song that I came to sing remains unsung to this day.

然而神却使用一些寂寂无名的信徒,领他加入信徒的群体。But God used unsung believers to bring him into community.

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他们是中国经济奇迹的无名英雄。They are the unsung heroes of the Chinese economic miracle.

红客是信息时代的无名英雄。White Hat hackers are the unsung heroes of the Information Age.

这些人才是信息革命的无名英雄。Such people are the unsung heroes of the information revolution.

您是无名英雄,做了许多有助我们老百姓的事情。You are the unsung hero of so many deeds benefiting our citizenry.

她是寂寂无闻的英雄在提供支持我的努力工作的父亲。She is the unsung hero in giving support to my hard-working father.

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世界献血日就是为表彰这些无名英雄设立的。It is to these unsung heroes that World Blood Donor Day is dedicated.

他们中的一些声名在外,但更多的人们却在自己的工作中默默无闻。Some of them are famous, but more are just unsung heroes in their work.

欧文也很感谢这两位“无名英雄”的捐献。Owen would also like to thank this "unsung heroes" for their contribution.

“这是一个默默无闻的团队”伍德菲尔说,“我们为任务提供支持。“We were an unsung group, ” Woodfill said. “We were there for mission support.

可你从未听到我为你而做却没有唱出的歌。You never tarried to hear the one song unsung I had for you alone and for ever.

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图书馆员们最值得称道的,然而也是被埋没的一项才能就是他们驾驭网络的能力。One of the most rewarding, yet unsung talents of librarians is their ability to network.

——一位匈牙利—以色列血统美国人奇迹般地在背后推动着中国的产业繁荣An improbable Hungarian-Israeli American is an unsung force in the country's industrial boom

今天,小编有幸为大家邀请到这群幕后英雄,为大家来说说表演背后的故事。Today, we're glad to invite these unsung heroes to share the anecdotes of the annual party performances.