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这位出生于阿拉巴马的前任首席运营官是个什么样的人?What is the Alabama-born former COO like?

他们也对他们的婴儿咯咯咕咕的说话They would gaggle and coo back at the baby.

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六个月之前,我到达一个新的首席运营官来在船上。Six months before I arrived a new COO came on board.

在上述例子中,首席财政官想成为首席执行官。In the example above, the CFO wanted to become the COO.

我们让那两个年轻人一起去谈情说爱吧。We'll leave the two young people to bill and coo together.

翻译为请附上标题的备注从首席运营官查阅。Attached please find the captioned memo from COO for your perusal.

当只有一个零售业务店时,商店经理就是有效的首席运营官。In a one-location retail business, the store manager is effectively the COO.

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我的好友欣欣教育基金会执行长及华体会执行长李竞芬带来诸多好友的祝福。Betty Yuan, COO of Shin Shin Educational Foundation, is my good friend and supporter.

Wetpaint公司首席运营官罗布•格雷迪这个犹如商标广告词般的说法放在谷歌公司身上尤为贴切。This trademark phrase from Wetpaint COO Rob Grady is particularly apt in Google's case.

柯瑟琳几乎听到女人们的软语,那温柔的声音通过以太网慰藉着她的心灵。Catherine could almost hearthe coo of female voices, gentle, soothing murmurs through the ether.

这是今年以来获得的第三项奖励,”舍勒技术公司总裁兼首席运营官汉斯科恩介绍说。"This award is the third within one year", states Hans U. Kohn, COO from Schoeller Technologies.

因为该丑闻,阿里巴巴首席执行官卫哲与其副手——首席运营官李旭晖于日前双双引咎辞职。As a result of the scandal, CEO David Wei, and his deputy, COO Elvis Lee, both resigned yesterday.

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你会告诉他你认为将来某一天他会成为一名合格的首席运营官的,以及他还需要掌握的几项技能。You tell him that you think that he’d be a fine COO some day and that he should work to develop a few more skills.

随着刺激电压的增大和减小,家鸽单次鸣声持续时间呈显著的线性递减和递增。With increase and decrease of the stimulating voltage, duration of single coo represent the distinct linear change.

并非因为他们是法国人,而是因为他们的婴儿,婴儿会讲些咯咯咕咕的婴儿语,而他们会以同样的婴儿语对婴儿进行反应Not because they were French, but they had a baby and it would gaggle and coo and they would respond in similar terms.

经常有恋爱中的男女在大街上或地铁上又搂又啃,完全无视他人的存在。It is not unusual that courting couples bill and coo in the street or on the subway, totally ignoring the presence of others.

保罗?欧德宁,英特尔公司总裁兼首席运营官我相信这些产品是重新启动电脑行业发展的推动力。Paul otellini president and coo intel these products will deliver I believe the fuel for growth for reign iting the industry.

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人们不禁要问,如果谷歌背后的风投机构当初没有逼迫谷歌雇佣一位外来CEO的话,也就是说如果谷歌创始人拉里•佩奇还是CEO的话,那么施密特在总裁和首席运营官的位置上,是否也可以把他在谷歌的诸般丰功伟绩做得一样好?Could Eric Schmidt have accomplished everything he did at Google as president and COO just as well with Larry Page remaining CEO?

当时参议员泰德•肯尼迪曾提到时任微软首席运营官鲍勃•赫博德近期的一番话,盖茨傲慢地予以了回应。When Senator Ted Kennedy referred to recent statements made by then-Microsoft COO Bob Herbold, Microsoft's CEO flippantly responded.

XCOR公司的首席运营官安德鲁-纳尔逊告诉记者,东京到纽约的航线有望于20年内实现。XCOR COO Andrew Nelson told the reporters that flights between Tokyo and New York are likely to be available within the next 20 years.