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现在意义大不大?Now meaning big?

生命意义的阙如。Of life meaning.

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柒系——爱的意义!The meaning of love!

我摸不透这意思。The meaning eludes me.

梦有意义吗?Do dreams have meaning?

你明白我的意思了吗?Do you take my meaning?

至少能指教我它的含意吧?Or at least its meaning?

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“义”呢就是指意义。Yi" refers to a meaning."

每一朵花都有其特别的意义。Every flower has a meaning.

生命有何意义?What's the meaning of life?

但结果却很有意义。But its results had meaning.

它的意义就在这一体性内。Its meaning lies in oneness.

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他向我使了一个眼色。He flashed me a meaning look.

他意味深长地看着我。He looked at me with meaning.

能暸解团队合作的意义。Know the meaning of teamwork.

探讨“藏象”的内涵。The meaning of the Zangxiang.

他们都富有深意。They are redolent of meaning.

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他的意思被误会了。His meaning is misapprehended.

“宜芸”是什么意思?What's the meaning of 'Yiyun'?

满腹怯意化尘埃。Bellyful of timid meaning dust.