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他将伏特加酒一饮而尽。He downed the vodka in one gulp.

那男孩一口气把药喝完。The boy took the dose at the gulp.

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一囗气喝下一杯啤酒。Swallow a glass of beer at one gulp.

他喝得太猛,呛着了。He took a big gulp and almost chocked.

她把那些药片一口吞了下去。She took down the tablets in one gulp.

我使劲喝下一大口生猛的威士忌酒。I took a savage gulp at the raw Scotch.

他一囗气喝下一杯啤酒。He swallowed a glass of beer at one gulp.

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他端起茶杯一饮而尽,然后就等着。At one gulp , he emptied the cup, then waited.

在祝酒的时候,记得不要大口干。Don't gulp down your alcohol when making a toast.

吃东西不要狼吞虎咽,要嚼碎了再咽下去。Don't gulp your food, chew it before you swallow it.

他话一说完,就把男子的酒一饮而尽。And with that he finishes the man's drink in one gulp.

他非常高兴,跃身河中,一口气就把黄河水和渭河水都喝干了。He plunged into the rivers and drained them at a gulp.

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夸里奇抓起他的呼吸面罩,猛吸了一口气。Quaritch grabs his breathing mask and takes a gulp of air.

说完又将杯中的酒一饮而尽。Finish saying and quaff in one gulp the brandy in the glass.

那条鱼不时浮上来大口呼吸水面上的空气。The fish rises every now and then to gulp air from the surface.

东京酷热难耐,导致我都想一口气吞下整条银河了。So hot that i wanted to gulp down the whole milky way in the sky.

说罢,收手回来,便将杯中酒一饮而尽。Say and approve to come back and then quaff in 1 gulp brandy in cup.

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汉斯走到桌子跟前,倒满了酒,然后一饮而尽。Hans went up to the table, filled his glass and emptied it at a gulp.

我唯一能告诉你的就是我给她喝了一口青龙火③。All that I can tell you is that I gave her a gulp of Flamma Dracontii.

当你狼吞虎咽时,你几乎不知道吃掉了多少食物。‘When you gulp down your food, you don’t realise you’re eating so much.