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作为根用户登录。Log in as root.

你睡觉太熟了。You slept like a log.

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登录控制台。Log in to the console.

他们以伐木为生。They log for a living.

他睡得像一根木头一样的死沉。He had slept like a log.

船长记航海日志。The captain keeps a log.

大得就像一根长长的枫木。As big as a log of maple.

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你今天上批踢踢了吗?Did you log on PTT today?

打开一个已存在的测试日志。Open an existing test log.

结果是nR乘以V2除以V1的对数。So it's nR log V2 over V1.

一根大木头正晃来晃去照着我来了。A log was swinging toward me.

因此这是对数级复杂度的算法。And as a consequence, it is log.

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十只绿青哇,在一些小木材上。Ten green frogs,On a little log.

十只绿青哇,在一些小木材上。Ten green frogs, On a little log.

炉中的木柴烧得噼啪作响。A log fire crackled in the hearth.

我每天把一根木头锯成板材。I saw a log into boards every day.

离线日志是指非实时的日志信息。Off-line log is non-real time log.

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当您登出时会话结束。The session ends when you log out.

执行测试用例并查看测试日志Execute test case and view test log

他打进自己的口令进行注册。He typed in his password to log in.