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我斜睨着头骨。I squinted up at the skull.

再等一下,它又成了一个关盖骨。Hold on, it's a skull again.

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用喇叭喊通骷髅中队长。Get Skull Leader on the horn.

脑袋相当长,几乎是平的。Skull Rather long, almost flat.

他猛击歹徒的脑壳。He whomped the ruffian on the skull.

突出的后脑,拱形的头顶。Prominent nuchal crest. Domed skull.

本组合并颅骨骨折75例。Skull fracture was found in 75 cases.

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他边讲边让我们传着看一个头盖骨。He passed around a skull as he talked.

我对着头骨怒目而视,然后点了点头。I glowered up at the skull and nodded.

骷髅中队长,那里发生了什么?Skull Leader, what's going on out there?

对于这个问题,多数人都会回答说“就在脑壳里”。Most people might answer, “At the skull.”

脑袋略微圆拱,中等宽度。The skull slightly domed and medium broad.

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为何欧克斯里会想带着骷髅头到那里?Why would Ox want to take the skull there?

x光显示颅骨没有骨折。X-rays showed the skull to be unfractured.

现在斯科特.欧勒森因为头骨骨折而躺在医院里。He was hospitalized with a fractured skull.

谨慎的头骨,口含红宝石。Discreet skull with red crystal between jaws.

我喜欢它令我头颅一块震动的感觉。I liked the vibrations it sent into my skull.

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戴着白色头巾的马来人身穿行动党T恤。Malays in white skull caps wear DAP T-shirts.

适当宽些并略呈球形。Skull is moderately broad and slightly domed.

白人头脑里装得下多少东西,黑人也能。A black's skull will hold as much as a white's.