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这个器具被用来为母牛实施人工授精。The gadget is used to artificially inseminate cows.

母猪在断奶后6-7天发情,立刻配种,12小时第二次配种。If sows are in estrus 6 -7 d PW, inseminate immediately, then inseminate 12 h later.

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母猪在断奶后第5天发情,12小时后配种,12小时第二次配种。If sows are in estrus on d 5 PW, wait 12 h to inseminate, then inseminate 12 h later.

叙述了大树移植过程中需做的各种前期工作、起运栽植的方法以及最后的养护管理。It also states prophase work, transporting and inseminate method, conservation and management in the transplanting process.

最近兽医通过一种创新方法,利用这只狗狗的精子给它的“玄孙女”斯塔人工受精。But vets have used a revolutionary technique to artificially inseminate the show dog's great-great granddaughter, Star, with his sperm.

年轻时的安提诺里,会陶醉地看著他的兽医叔叔,为邻近农庄的母牛做人工授精。The young Severino would watch with fascination while his uncle, a veterinarian, would artificially inseminate cows on surrounding farms.

小时候,当他做兽医的叔叔在周围的牧场里给母牛做人工授精时,安蒂诺里便饶有兴趣地在一旁观看。The young Severino would watch with fascination while his uncle, a veterinarian, would artificially inseminate cows on surrounding farms.

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在你配种的计划阶段,请务必详细确认公犬精子收集和母犬受精人员的资质和其他事宜。In your planning stages for the desired breeding, be sure to check with the people on both ends about their availability to collect the male or inseminate the bitch.

本文介绍了大树移植技术这一课题。叙述了大树移植过程中需做的各种前期工作、起运栽植的方法以及最后的养护管理。This paper introduces the task of transplanting big trees. It also states prophase work, transporting and inseminate method, conservation and management in the transplanting process.

为了建立系谱、纯化血统,工作人员只得以笼饲及人工授精,来确定谁是小鸡的亲生父母。To establish correct genealogies and purify bloodlines , researchers have to keep hens in separate cages and artificially inseminate them so they know who the real parents of the chicks are.