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要求扫描的行为是猖獗的。Demand for scans is rampant.

七月十四,猛鬼横行。In July fourteen, on rampant.

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一时间,由水传播的疾病十分猖獗。Waterborne diseases are rampant.

密密的常春藤遮住了这面墙。Rampant ivy had covered the wall.

我要肆无忌惮的笑,肆意妄为的哭。I will laugh unbridled, rampant cry.

仍是这只是武断的拟人论?Or is this just rampant anthropomorphism?

但是这只杂食动物依然毫无节制。But the omnivorous beast is rampant still.

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他们与间谍软件和病毒狼狈为奸。They run rampant with spyware and viruses.

苦难是巨大的,而犯罪却十分猖獗。The suffering is great, and crime is rampant.

疟疾在一些沼泽地区仍很猖獗。Malaria is still rampant in some swampy regions.

果真如此?还是这只是武断的拟人论?Really? Or is this just rampant anthropomorphism ?

酗酒问题在乌兰巴托的穷困和失业人口中猖獗泛滥。Alcoholism is rampant among UB's poor and unemployed.

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已经被消灭的四害如今又猖獗起来。The four pests having been eliminated are rampant again.

意见分歧在委员会的成员中蔓延。Dissension is rampant among the members of the committee.

菲德尔带回杰姬,猖獗地打骂女儿。Fidel back to Jackie, rampant to beat and scold daughter.

他不会让他们撒野,他会给他们糖果。He doesn't let them run rampant and just give them candy.

还爱棒球爱自由爱满地的大胖人!The-the baseball, the freedom, the rampant morbid obesity!

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公寓旗帜是一头在天蓝色背景下两腿站立的狮子。The apartment flag is gold lion rampant on a field of azure.

我姓坚名强,只要没死就还能笑的猖狂。My name is Kennedy name, if not dead can still laugh rampant.

作弊和分数贬值猖狂而且被默许。Cheating and grade inflation are rampant and quietly tolerated.