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我真忍不住想笑话他。I can't help but sneer at him.

他冷笑着答复我。He gave me a reply with a sneer.

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七焰心中冷笑,哼!Sneer at in seven Yan hearts, hum!

他的冷笑使我很不舒服。I was uncomfortable with his sneer.

哪些人不值一提,哪怕是一句讪笑。Who is not worth the notice of a sneer.

懦夫蹙眉,叛徒鄙夷。Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer.

噢,是吗?”那位司法长官冷笑一声说道Oh, is it?' said the sheriff with a sneer.

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以一种贬抑的,的方式。With a sneer in an uncomplimentary manner.

双唇紧抿,嘲笑般的神情似在下达冷酷的命令。And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command

你永远也不会再对经济舱嗤之以鼻。You'll never sneer at Premium Economy again.

替身演员的恐惧。在操场上发生的嘲笑。Fear in the stuntman Sneer in the playground.

他嘲笑地扔掉了烟头。With a sneer he tossed awayhiscigarette butt.

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迂腐之士讥笑学以致用的教育。Pedants sneer at an education which is useful.

艾布瑞妮回以一个不相信的冷笑。Ambreene favored him with a disbelieving sneer.

学究们藐视教育,但教育却是有益的。Pedants sneer at an education, which is useful.

市场带着冷笑迎接第一次降息。The markets greeted the first cut with a sneer.

我冷笑着对他挑挑眉尖——你说呢?I sneer at to pick an eyebrow point to him-do you say?

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我回头望着摄像机镜头,我眼珠溜溜地转着并冷笑着。And I return the camera’s gaze. I roll my eyes and sneer.

你可能会嗤之一鼻,但是有很多人喜欢这种音乐。You may sneer , but a lot of people like this kind of music.

公正的人蹙起眉头,但从不会有那种恶意的微笑。The just man frowns, but never smiles with a malicious sneer.