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为了避免这条街交通太拥挤。To avoid jams in this street.

北京、多伦多,都处都有交通堵塞。Beijing, Toronto, traffic jams

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这里有很多交通堵塞的状况。There’s a lot of traffic jams.

哪条线路不堵车?Which route has no traffic jams?

我们卡在车阵中,塞了好几个小时。We were stuck on traffic jams for hours.

但是交通堵塞的情况仍然让我心烦。But the traffic jams still make me crazy.

在什么情况下容易淋巴管堵塞?Below what circumstance easy lymphatic jams?

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但是自行车并不引起污染或者交通阻塞。But they don't cause pollution or traffic jams.

Westmoreland用一根撬棍塞住门把手。Westmoreland jams a crowbar into the door handle.

莫斯科的交通堵塞也有不同的原因。Moscow also has different reasons for traffic jams.

至少它们不会造成污染或者交通阻塞。At least they don't cause pollution or traffic jams.

其中一个原因是冰塞影响到了附近地区的河流。One reason-how ice jams can affect areas near river.

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什么是小舌管堵塞?对身体有何影响?What is ligule canal jams ? To the body He Ying rings?

乱设摊点泛滥成灾,造成交通堵塞。Vendors' stands spread unchecked, causing traffic jams.

下雨天出车祸往往引起堵车。These accidents always cause traffic jams on rainy days.

防坠器向上滑动自如,而向下受重时凸轮会制停。Slides easily up the rope and jams when the cam is loaded.

新路用来改善海队入口一带道路的挤塞情况。The new road is aimed at easing jams at the tunnel entrance.

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大型的交通堵塞在中国的一些山路上十分常见。Huge traffic jams are common in China on some mountain roads.

这种非阻碍物引起的堵车叫做“幽灵塞车”。Such"phantom jams" occur when there is no obvious obstruction.

汽车总是爬行在州际之间的英里长的交通堵塞中。They creep along in miles long traffic jams on the interstate.