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用玻璃料制成的一个独立进口暴露在灌流液中。A separate inlet with a ceramic frit is used to aerate the perfusate.

对于弗里茨D不可能建立这种对比。For frit D it was not possible to establish this type of correlation.

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热熔型胶粘剂和水基型胶粘剂正是其代表。Hot frit adhesive is mixed water radical adhesive is its representing.

用于氩和氪激光管防护窗组合件的封装玻璃料里的铅的氧化物。Lead oxide in seal frit used for making window assemblies for Argon and Krypton laser tubes.

将玻璃料溶于稀硝酸中来完成两个组分的分离。Separation of the two components is accomplished by dissolving the frit in dilute nitric acid.

论述了熔块法硒镉红釉的原理和工艺要点,给出了熔块组成及红釉实验配方。Principle and technology points of cadmium sulphselenide red glaze of frit method were discussed.

在金属管道表面利用火焰喷熔耐蚀的玻璃釉料是可行的。It is feasible to spray anti-corrosion glass frit using flame on the surface of metallic pipeline.

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这说明合适的玻璃料在适量掺杂情况下可以提高陶瓷材料的压电性能。This indicated that the appropriate frit can improve the piezoelectric property of ceramics in right content.

所以这些结果证明晶体结构干扰结晶弗里茨的烧结过程。Therefore, these results prove that crystal formation interferes with the sintering process of a crystalline frit.

介绍了电熔搪瓷瓷釉熔炉的结构及设计原理。Both the structure and principles of design of an electrical furnace for melting enamel frit have been recommended.

探讨了施主杂质、受主杂质等微量元素及玻璃料对PTC陶瓷性能的影响。Effects of donors, acceptors , and other trace elements and the frit on properties of the PTC ceramics are discussed.

青岛国桥是经营环保设备和陶瓷原料为主的贸易公司,主导产品为煤气发生炉、氧化铝球、陶瓷辊棒和陶瓷熔块。Cbc is a modern private company. products provided by cbc are coal gasifier alumina balls kiln rollers and ceramic frit.

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提取图像在FRIT时产生的均值信息作为图像内容特征,并由它生成认证水印。The authentication watermark was generated according to the image feature which was the mean of an image extracted from FRIT.

搪瓷釉的烧成过程是一种“液相烧结”过程,其传质有赖于熔体的粘性流动。The firing of enamel frit is a process of "Liquid-phase Sintering". Its mass transfer is based on the viscous flow of the melt.

釉砂和玻砂是古玻璃的前身,和古玻璃相比有着不同的成分组成和化学结构。As the precursor of ancient glasses, faience and frit have different chemical compositions and structures from true ancient glasses.

独联体现有玻璃工厂约300家,建有玻璃熔窑980座,年熔化能力为600万吨。Alone couplet body has vitreous factory to make an appointment with 300, build have vitreous frit kiln 980, year fused ability is 6 million tons.

将高温固相法制得的发光粉和熔块釉混合制成陶瓷发光釉,研究了硅酸盐长余辉发光粉在锶釉中的发光性能。Prepare luminescent ceramic glaze by using this frit and silicate long afterglow powder to study the luminescent performance of phosphor in glaze.

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本章介绍了几种新型的陶瓷溶块池炉,并分析探讨了陶瓷熔块池炉的发展方向。Some new types of ceramic frit tank furnace are introduced and the developing directions of ceramic frit tank furnace are discussed in this paper.

本文研究了氧化锂加入量对低温熔块的熔融温度、力学性能、热膨胀系数的影响。The influences of lithia content on the melting temperature, mechanical properties and thermal expansion coefficient of low temperature frit were studied.

从底座开始的玻璃面斜角旋转在南侧塔楼的西立面和北侧塔楼的东立面都有表现。The diagonal shift of the frit glass from the base is reiterated in the design of the west façade of the south tower and the east façade of the north tower.