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这个是锡伯族家中的家谱。This is a Xibe family genealogy.

该位贵族以自己的血统为傲。The noble took pride in his genealogy.

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但就算如此,我也不会在乎我的家谱。And yet even I don't care about my genealogy.

为什麽尼采称呼这为「系谱学」?。Why does Nietzsche call this work a genealogy?

你或许会好奇,我为什么会为自己建立族谱?You may wonder why I should write a genealogy.

为什么尼采称呼这为「系谱学」?Why does nietzsche call this work a genealogy ?

这就是龙门镇的孙氏族谱。This is the genealogy of the Sun family clan in Longmen.

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但是除了我们家人以外,其他人都对家谱十分着迷。But genealogy fascinates everyone who is not in my family.

福建省福安县等地。Genealogy of Wang family in Fu-an hsien, Fukien province, China.

对于族人们来说,修谱工作会越来越困难。For the tribe, the work of compiling genealogy is more difficult.

徽州谱牒是中国谱牒的重要组成部分。Huizhou genealogy is an important component of Chinese genealogy.

这是它们生物学内的有毒的憎恨的宗谱造成的。This is the result of poisonous hateful genealogy in their biology.

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江苏省江都县等地。Genealogy of Sun family of Chiang-tu Hsien, Kiangsu province, China.

“族之有谱,犹国之有史”,重视族谱的纂修是我国重要的文化现象。The family has its genealogy as the each country has its own history.

历史是一个共同回忆,其组成有一个系谱学之线索可寻。History is a common memory, is made up of a genealogy of clues to be found.

谱系学为福柯有关身体的思想提供了方法论基础。Genealogy provide a methodological basis for Foucault's thought about the body.

移民社会的族谱资料,对社会和其德国重视。Immigrant genealogy society-information on the society and its german emphasis.

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兰德·保罗的成功可以从茶党运动的谱线来理解。Rand Paul's success can be understood inthe genealogy of the Tea Party movement.

二零零六年,宿松彭氏宗族举行了一次大范围的合修家谱活动。Peng's Clan in Susong held a wide range of activities to compile genealogy together.

在每一群人类的主流中,也有拥有恐怖分子宗谱的那些人。There are those with terrorist genealogy in the mainstream of every group of humans.