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发传票,传…出庭向…发出传票或令状。To serve with a summons or writ.

如今能为这本散文集作序,我觉得很荣幸。I am honoured to writ the prelude for this essay.

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诏书是以皇帝名义发布指令的专用文书。An imperial edict is a writ in the name of an emperor.

纳姆索夫今天表示,法庭传票并未困扰他。Nemtsov said today that he was not bothered by the writ.

不要忘记写名字和学号。Please remember to writ down your name and school number.

声音才是我们的本质,是我们展示给这个世界的朴实的文书。Our voice is our essence, writ plain for the world to see.

传票上详细批注了原告的主张。The writ was indorsed with details of the plaintiffs claim.

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传票上具体批注了原告的主张。The writ was indorsed with details of the plaintiff's claim.

传票上详细批注了原告的主张.The writ was indorsed with details of the plaintiff’s claim.

人人都这么说,一脸不赞成的神气。你知道它的英文吗?Everybody said, with disapprobation writ large upon their faces.

令状是在王室法院提起诉讼所必需的一种文件。A writ was the document necessary to start an action in a royal court.

在紧急形势下,他废除了人身保护令。And under imperative necessity, he abolished the writ of habeas corpus.

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基于上述理由,本人书写并谨呈最高法院。For the above reasons, I support the Petition for a Writ of Certiorari.

为了激励彼此,我们决定通过写中英文博客的形式,提高英语水平。Bestir each other, we decided to writ Englis blog for improve our Englis.

令状是从文秘署处获得,那是一个独立的国家机关。Writs were obtained from the Chancery Writ Office, a department of state.

这就是认知流利的作用在整个市场中放大了。This is the effect of cognitive fluency writ large across the marketplace.

人身保护令——必须出示犯人为何被限制自由Writ of habeas corpus – must show why a prisoner’s liberty is being denied

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这个政党的新指道原则无非是其老信条的阐发。The party's new philosophies are little more than their old beliefs writ large.

令许可债权人临时占有借债人的财产的一种书面命令。A writ allowing a creditor to assume temporary ownership of a debtor's property.

经调解达成的调解协议具有准司法文书的效力。The achieved agreement after intercession is as valid as the quasi-judicial writ.