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骚扰和恐吓。Harassment and intimidation.

他的统治手段是恐惧和恐吓。It was rule by fear and intimidation.

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这种“恐惧”是一种心理障碍。The intimidation is a psychological barrier.

位于中国的外国记者俱乐部也说政府与施压有关。The FCCC also said the government engaged in intimidation.

阿比以为这是马蒂的想进一步恐吓她,并把这想法告诉雷伊。Abby assumes it's more intimidation by Marty, and says so to Ray.

参与公共生活的妇女经常受到例行的威胁和恐吓。Women in public life are subject to routine threats and intimidation.

我们继续在许多地方看到这类威胁。"We continue to see intimidation everywhere, everywhere, " said Galabru.

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此前的选举受到了投票舞弊、暴力和恐吓事件的破坏。Previous elections have been undermined by ballot fraud, violence and intimidation.

“因为他们所用的暴力和恐吓手段是我不能接受的,”泰国总理阿披实说道。"Because they use violence and intimidation I cannot accept this, " said Mr Abhisit.

从那以后,由于受到政府胁迫加上党内争斗,反对穆加贝的运动。Since then the anti-Mugabe movement has foundered because of infighting and intimidation.

只有一些来自苏丹人民解放运动的恐吓但没有有关暗箱操纵和抵制的言论。There has been some SPLM intimidation but been few allegations of rigging and no boycotts.

贩运的野生动物产品往往流入多功能的犯罪销赃网络,同时可导致"派生犯罪",例如官员腐败、伪造证件、恐吓乃至谋杀。This includes corruption of officials, falsification of documents, intimidation and murder.

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正义与发展党副主席弗拉特否认执政党进行恫吓的说法。Deputy chairman of the AK Party, Dengir Mir Mehmet Firat, dismissed the intimidation charge.

低温是限制植物生长和分布的一种非生物胁迫因素。Low temperature is one of abiotic intimidation limiting the growth and distribution of plant.

但在被胁迫的气氛中很难解决或甚至讨论这些问题。But it is difficult to settle or even discuss these problems in an atmosphere of intimidation.

毛派最终能凭多票当选,也许与他们的高压政治与胁迫力量有某些关系。The surprisingly big vote for the Maoists probably owed something to coercion and intimidation.

更糟糕的是,他们时常遭到暴力恐吓,法庭却拒绝给予他们同等的保护。They also were subjected to violence and intimidation and denied equal protection by the courts.

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我们再也不能容忍这些披着白袍的人来左右我们的生活了。We will no longer tolerate intimidation by white-coated gods antiseptically directing our lives.

三水发现乙恒竟说出想自杀后,忍不住出言恫吓他。Sanshui found YiHeng unexpectedly speak tried to commit suicide, unbearable speak intimidation him.

在日军的武力威胁下,胶济沿线各煤矿业主被迫把煤矿的所有权交给日本侵略者。With the intimidation of Japanese soldiers, the mine-owners had to deliver their mines to invaders.