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去吃屎,去死吧。Eat shit and die.

结果发现是鸟屎。It was bird shit.

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一个死人可不会拉撒。Dead men do not shit.

你现在就是一坨屎!Make shit happen now!

狗屎的经贸学院!Who eat the dog shit?

你相信这种狗屎吗?You believe that shit?

我不会去那个垃圾地方的。I don't go for that shit.

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我想要在我的床上拉屎!I want to shit on my bed!

他的头发里有屎吧?Is that shit in his hair?

我会在你嘴里拉屎。I will shit in your mouth.

为什么抽烟完就想拉屎?Why to smoke to think shit?

生活总是充满了狗屁倒灶的事情。Life is always full of shit.

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不,不,他不会开枪。噢,该死的。Nah. No, he's not. Oh, shit.

你丫拉屎穿裤衩呀!You shit to wear underpants!

这简直是一堆臭屎。This is such a crock of shit.

给您玩个尖板眼看哈。You wanna see some real shit?

你吓死我了。You scared the shit out of me.

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把一坨大便泡在福尔马林里。Dip a pile of shit in Formalin.

他以为连他的粪便都是香的。He thinks his shit doesn't stink.

会有人把这句话听成“我他妈的要一张纸!”I'd like to have a shit of paper.