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他是个天才He is a genius.

记录你的天赋。Record Your Genius.

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你真是个天才。I think you're a genius.

哎,这就是营销的智慧啊。Ah, the genius of marketing.

他有妙语连珠的天分。He has a genius for epigram.

他是不情愿做天才。And he was a reluctant genius.

这就是美国人的禀赋。That is the genius of America.

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他不想假充自己有什么才华。He doesn't pretend to be a genius.

天赋异禀的美国人。That's the true genius of America.

海明威是才华横溢的作家。Hemingway is a writer of remarkable genius.

他的创造能力被忽视了好几年。His genius was neglected for several years.

你心中的鹰是否意识到它的天赋异禀?Is the eagle aware of its genius of flying?

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她做纵横填字游戏是一绝。She is a genius at doing crossword puzzles.

他的绘画天赋很早就展露出来。His genius as a painter flowered very early.

吧,还是选择条进路巨灵得了。Bar, or select the approach roads had Genius.

这就是这位旷古奇才乐天派的奥秘的一面。That was part of the secret of the gay genius.

每个人都有学习语言的天赋。Eveybody has the genius for learning languages.

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于是,米太亚德的才能为世人称颂So, everybody says what a genius Miltiades was.

天禀不过是勤奋而已。Genius is nothing but lstomhvachor and diligence.

归根结底,这是美国独一无二的天赋。That, after all, is the unique genius of America.