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尊敬的阿罗约总统阁下Your Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

阿罗约表示,胡主席提出的建议很有见地。Arroyo expressed that President Hu's suggestions are of keen insight.

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这八项现实将塑造雅罗育政府的外交政策」。The 8 realities will shape the arroyo administration's foreign policy.

阿罗约重申菲坚定奉行一个中国政策,温家宝表示赞赏。Arroyo reaffirmed the adherence to the one-China policy, for which Wen appreciated.

波多黎各人有两名NBA组织后卫,卡洛斯.阿罗约和巴里亚能够贯穿起整个比赛。The Puerto Ricans have two NBA point guards, Carlos Arroyo and J.J. Barea, running the show.

会谈前,阿罗约在总统府内为胡锦涛举行隆重的欢迎仪式。Before the talks, Arroyo held a grand welcome ceremony for Hu Jintao in the presidential residence.

阿罗约会面临更大的压力来寻求公正,因为这起事件引起的轩然大波。Arroyo may face greater pressure to pursue justice in this case because of the uproar it has created.

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金戈纳与雅罗育为了在菲律宾南部部署一千名美军的问题争得不可开交。Guingona and Arroyo had a terrible row over the deployment of 1,000 US troops in the southern Philippines.

刚才,我又会见了安纳亚主席和阿罗约众议长。And just now, I met with President Anaya of the Permanent Commission and President Arroyo of the Chamber of Deputies.

总统阿罗约说,将不遗馀力为受害者伸张正义,主持公理,将肇事者绳之以法。President Arroyo said no effort will be spared to bring justice to the victims and hold the perpetrators accountable.

“每个人都说,'嘿,嘿,嘿!'”一位阿罗约太平洋学院的指导员卓奇特尔卓利莎贝尔梅霍获咆哮着。”你好——好!"Everyone say, 'Hey, hey, hey! ' " bellows Xochitl-Julisa Bermejo, an instructor at Arroyo Pacific Academy. "Helloooo! "

他一直高调反对被指贪污和选举舞弊的现任菲律宾总统阿罗约夫人。He has been a high-profile allegations of corruption and election fraud against the incumbent President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

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根据菲律宾新闻调查理事会的报道,自从2001年阿罗约政府上台后,所有关键的教育措施都失败了。According to the PCIJ report, all key performance in education have failed since the Arroyo administration came to power in 2001.

安帕团家族被控在前总统阿罗约强力支持之下,聚敛不少财富和权势。The Ampatuans are accused of keeping their wealth and power, thanks to unwavering support from former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

星期一菲律宾的屠杀中46人死亡,这让总统阿罗约立刻宣布相关省份进入紧急状态。The Philippines massacre of 46 people on Monday prompts President Gloria Arroyo to declare a state of emergency in the affected province.

阿罗约否认了她谋求连任的传闻,并抨击她的批评者试图对民主制造“自我想象的威胁”。Mrs. Arroyo denied the rumors that she wants to remain in office, and lambasted her critics for creating "self-imagined threats" to democracy.

在会见阿罗约时,温家宝说,总统阁下与胡锦涛主席达成的诸多共识正在得到落实。During his meeting with Arroyo, Wen said that the broad consensus reached by President Arroyo and President Hu Jintao is now being implemented.

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安帕图安家族式当地的战争之王,习惯了赢得选举,部分还要感谢他们和阿罗约及军队的紧密关系。The Ampatuan family are local warlords accustomed to winning elections, in part thanks to their close relationship with Arroyo and the military.

只不过与阿罗约对位的选手由李晓旭换成了球队个子最高、块头最大的韩德君。But changed into the team stature with the Arroyo para- position's contestant by the Li Xiao rising sun to be highest, physique biggest Mr. Hand.

据报道,菲律宾总统阿罗约近日签署涉及黄岩岛和南沙群岛之领海基线法案,中方对此有何评论?It's reported that Philippine President Arroyo recently signed the Baselines Act involving Huangyan Island and Nansha Islands. Could you comment?