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目的提高对贲门息肉X线诊断水平和检出率。Objective To improve X-ray diagnosis of cardiac polypus.

结果将华支睾吸虫病误诊为急慢性“胆囊炎”和“胆囊息肉”。Result The clonorchiasis has been mistaken for acute or chronic " cholecystitis "and "cholecystic polypus".

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目的观察射频治疗消化道息肉的效果。Objective To observe the effect of electric radio-frequency under endoscope in treating gastrointestinal polypus.

目的评价声带息肉及声带小结术后服用金嗓散结丸的疗效。Objective To evaluate the efficacy of Jinsang Sanjie Pill integrative therapy for vocal polypus and vocal nodules.

宫颈息肉6例全部一次性治愈,16例宫颈腺囊肿8周内全部治愈。Six cases of cervical polypus were removed once time and 16 cases of cervical adenocele were all healed in 8 weeks.

结论射频电治疗消化道息肉效果肯定,不开刀、无痛苦、费用低、前景广阔。Conclusions Electric radio-frequency is effective in treating gastrointestinal polypus with no wound, no pain, and low cost.

目的探讨纤维喉镜下声带息肉小结摘除术的方法及意义。Objective To approach method and significance extirpating operation of vocal cords polypus and nodules under fibre laryngoscope.

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方法在电脑成像纤维喉镜下使用活检钳摘除声带息肉小结。Methods Extipating operation of vocal cords polypus and nodules used biopsy forcepsunder with fibre laryngoscope TV surveillance.

文章分析了大肠息肉的分布、大小、形态、病理及息肉恶变过程中的相关因素。To research the distribution, size, shape, pathology of the large intestine polypus and the relative factors in its worsening course.

结论电脑成像纤维喉镜下摘除声带息肉小结是一种安全,有效的方法。Conclusion Extipating operation of vocal cords polypus and nodules under fibre laryngoscope with TV surveillance was a safe, effective method.

目的探讨布地奈德雾化吸入在慢性咽炎、喉炎、声带息肉以及支气管异物手术后治疗中的作用。Objective To assess the therapeutic effect of Pulmicort Respules for chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, after removal of vocal cord polypus and bronchial foreign body.

方法回顾性分析我院经病理证实的10例贲门息肉的临床资料、X线检查方法和X线表现。Methods The clinical data and X-ray findings of 10 patients, who had been diagnosed as cardiac polypus by pathologic examination in our hospital, were analyzed retrospectively.

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EUS对息肉的诊断符合率低于胃镜,对迷走胰腺和静脉曲张的诊断则与胃镜相当。The accurancy of EUS was a little inferior to that of endoscopy in the diagnosis of polypus and was similar to that of endoscopy in the diagnosis of aberrant pancreas and varices.