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地跨北约克郡、西约克郡与坎布里亚郡。It spans North Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, and Cumbria.

英国肖像画家乔治·罗姆尼在坎布里亚郡的肯达尔…George Romney, English portrait painter, died at Kendal in Cumbria.

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位于坎布里亚郡的这石圈在英国是很有名的史前纪念碑。This stone circle in Cumbria is an impressive pre historic monument in Britain.

坎布里亚郡是受大雨影响最为严重的地区之一,有一座村庄的降雨量仅在12小时内便达到了40毫米。Cumbria is one of the worst-affected areas with one village experiencing 40mm of rainfall in just 12 hours.

明天深夜在南苏格兰,坎布里亚郡和约克郡可能出现局部地区降雪。This is likely to fall in a broken pattern across southern Scotland, Cumbria and Yorkshire until late tomorrow night.

坎伯兰是香肠的一种形式,起源于古代坎伯兰城,今英格兰的一部分,坎布里亚郡。Cumberland sausage is a form of sausage that originated in the ancient county of Cumberland, England, now part of Cumbria.

于1995年毕业于西坎布里亚郡湖学院,后来修读英国兰开斯特大学的宗教学。He graduated from the Lakes College of West Cumbria in 1995, later reading Comparative Religion at Lancaster University in England.

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当这些确定性出现哪怕是短暂的失灵——比如说,在新奥尔良卡特琳娜或就在上个月的哥伦比亚飓风期间——我们知道其后果。When they fail even briefly – during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, say, or in Cumbria just last month – we know the consequences.

英国坎布里亚郡凯斯维克附近A66公路上一列校车发生车祸,三人死亡,其中包括一男一女两名青少年。Two teenagers, a boy and a girl, are among three people killed in a crash involving a school coach on the A66 near Keswick in Cumbria.

大部分的铜钱树生长在坎布里亚郡和波特梅里恩郡周围,我也从来没有在英国以外的其他地方看到过这种树。Most of the trees seem to be in and around Cumbria and Portmeirion, and I didn’t find a single example of a tree like this located outside the UK.

威尔士和苏格兰的部分地区周一可能见到雨夹雪,伴有越过部分苏格兰高地、坎布里亚和皮克区的阵雪预报。Parts of Wales and Scotland could see sleet on Monday, with snow flurries forecast over parts of the Scottish Highlands, Cumbria and the Peak District.

这次发生在坎布里亚的暴行是自1996年以来最恶劣的事件,在那起事件中,持枪者闯入苏格兰邓布兰的一所学校中,并枪杀了17人。The rampage in Cumbria is the worst such incident since 1996 when a gunman walked into a school in the town of Dunblane in Scotland and killed 17 people.

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据英国国家环境局数据显示,坎布里亚郡24小时内降雨量已超过301毫米,洪灾严重程度属千年一遇。More than 301 mm of rain fell in Cumbria in the last 24 hours and such intense flooding occurs only once in about 1000 years, the UK Environment Agency said.

坎布里亚郡威格顿Knoxwood野生动物抢救中心,在一窝四只臭鼬鼠中,有两只白化臭鼬生来就没有它们一贯与众不同的黑白相间的条纹外衣。Two albino skunks who were born without their usual distinctive black and white striped coats, from a litter of four at Knoxwood Wildlife Rescue Centre in Wigton, Cumbria

气候变化部长米利班德已声称,洪水如那些去年破坏部分坎布里亚,可变得广泛如果全球变暖不受约制。Climate change minister Ed Miliband has claimed that floods such as those which devastated parts of Cumbria last year could be widespread if global warming goes unchecked.

在坎布里亚找到一块地方储存核垃圾的初步行动虽已付诸实施,但是当地对这项方案出现强烈的抵制,不指望在2040年以前能有长远的解决办法了。Preliminary moves have been made towards finding a site in Cumbria but there's a powerful local resistance to such schemes, and no long-term solution is expected before 2040.