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必须将所有的氟录化炭冷却液从冰箱中去除。All CFC coolants must be removed from fridges.

必须将所有的氟氯化碳冷却液从冰箱中去除。All cfc coolants must be removed from fridges.

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必须将所有的氟氯化碳冷却液从冰箱中去除。All CFC coolants musts be removed from fridges.

本专栏文章是在中国首创投资近期发布的一份报告基础上改写而成的。This column is adapted from a report recently published by CFC.

投资分析师萨科瓦尔奇克在香港的CFC西摩有限公司。Investment strategist Dariusz Kowalczyk of CFC Seymour, Ltd. in Hong Kong.

这些工具股利CFC将重心从市场力转向暗中勾结。These tools encouraged the CFC to shift its focus from abuse of market power to collusion.

而且在这些当中有些你或许认识,是二氯二氟化碳,它也是众所周知的氟利昂。And, this one here, some of you might recognize, is dichlorodifluoromethane. It's also known as a CFC.

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科学家表示,如果淘汰氟利昂制冷剂能按照进度达成,到2000年时大气层应能开始自我修复。If the CFC phaseout proceeds on schedule, the atmosphere should start repairing itself by the year 2000, say scientists.

这样,即使立即停止所有氯氟化碳的生产,臭氧损耗的威胁也会持续一个多世纪。So even if all CFC production stopped immediately, the threat of ozone depletion would continue for more than a century.

CFC则是可靠性和代价的一个较好的折中,适用于商用可靠性微处理器的设计。CFC is a better trade-off between costs and reliability and is appropriate for commercial reliable microprocessor designs.

它们还会在没有预警下突然用罄,不像氟氯碳化式的吸入器会逐渐减弱,警告用户该装置内已所剩无几。They also run out suddenly without the waning experienced with a CFC inhaler, which warns users that the device is running low.

目前,它作为氟里昂的生产原料以及在清洗和化工过程助剂等方面的应用正逐渐被淘汰。Its applications as cleaning agent, process agent as well as feedstock in CFC manufacturing sector are being phased out gradually.

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但氢氟烷烃式吸入器也同样遭遇阻力,因为有些气喘患者坚信它的效果不如氟氯碳化物式产品。The HFA inhalers also have encountered resistance because some asthmatics insist that they do not work as well as the CFC variety.

该产品无毒,清洗后零件表面不留痕迹,是一种先进的、替代三氯乙烷和HCFC的产品。After cleaning there is no residue on the metal surface. INTECH DETER S640 is a good alternative quality replacing products made of CFC or HCFC.

在二十世纪九十年代,氢氯氟碳化合物被认为是作为氯氟烃替代品使用的过渡性化学物质,因为它们消耗臭氧层的效果比氯氟烃差。In the 1990s, HCFCs were considered transition chemicals for use as CFC substitutes because they were less effective at depleting ozone than CFCs.

但是,因为现在禁止排放导致臭氧洞的氟氯化碳气体,科学家们预计,在未来五、六十年内,损坏的臭氧层将自行修复。Butbecause the the CFC gasses that caused the ozone hole now been banned, scientists expect the damage to repair itself within the next 50-60years.

1987年许多国家签订蒙特娄议定书,同意1995年开始停止制造类似氟氯碳化物的化合物并预计在2000年将氟氯碳化物的排放量减半。In 1987 many countries signed the Montreal protocol, agreeing to stop producing CFC-like compounds by 1995 and aiming to halve CFC emissions by 2000.

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这些数据可以指明,除了氟氯化合物参与的关键化学反应,其移动的过程也会使氟氯化碳光解的产物接触到臭氧。They are able to identify not only the key chemical reactions but also the transport processes which bring CFC photolysis products into contact with ozone.

那时他们可以选择或是恭维赞扬切尔西是有史以来最好的球队,又或是憋着他们的不满,写下我们只是简朴地买到了所有。They would then have the choice of either acknowledging CFC as the best team ever or of choking on their own bile when writing that we simply bought it all.

而心脏-脸-皮肤徵候群患者罕见乳突瘤,胎儿垫,黑棘皮病,手掌脚掌皱纹及手脚疏松的皮肤,这些可以和科斯特洛徵候群区别。CFC syndrome can be distinguished from CS by the rare presence of papillomata, fetal pads, acanthosis nigricans, wrinkled palms and soles, and loose skin of the hands and feet.