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沁人心肺的花香。Intoxicated fragrance of flowers.

美丽的夜色让我沉醉。The beauty of the night intoxicated me.

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我没醉。我只是为了你神魂颠倒。I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by you.

夜夜笙歌,并非是颓废,只是沉醉。Nightlife, is not decadent, but intoxicated.

兴酣仰天歌,歌中聊寄言。Xing intoxicated sky song, the song chat send a statement.

有时候它们喝醉了蜂蜜,又会响起来。But sometimes, intoxicated with the honey, it buzzes again.

酒后架车把人撞死无异是杀人。Were killed when an intoxicated driver broadsided their car.

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我之前真的从来没有想过能茶醉,但是真的可以。I never thought I could be intoxicated by tea, but I surely was.

人在天涯,何妨憔悴。酒入金樽,何妨沉醉。People in the world, it haggard. The Jinzun liquor, it intoxicated.

律师以他那富有感染力的辩护说服了陪审团。A defense lawyer says Jufer was intoxicated at the time of his crime.

在动荡的岁月里,人们在那些地方所痛饮的,不仅仅是酒,更多的是语言。In troublous times people grow intoxicated there more on words than on wine.

欢乐的人群高歌酣舞,完全沉浸在一片丰收的喜悦之中。Joyful crowd belting intoxicated dance, totally immersed in a harvest of joy.

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这就是德拉特以酒后驾驶罪名被逮捕起诉的原因。That's when Deslatte was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated.

比利·鲍勃·松顿承认他在电影拍摄时是真得喝醉了。Billy Bob Thornton admitted that he was genuinely intoxicated during the filming.

民众受骗术的事多次见报,但却无揭穿骗术的奥秘所在。People are intoxicated thing repeatedly reported, but no expose quackery mystery.

她把羞得绯红的脸藏在那个出类拔萃、心花怒放的青年的怀里。And she hid her blushing face on the breast of the superb and intoxicated young man.

金座台灯投下的光影,安静得教人熏然。The shadow cast by the golden table lamp is so quiet that it leaves you intoxicated.

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我们可能被她纵容,沉醉其中迷失自己,但是,谁在乎呢?We may be indulged into her, intoxicated in her and lose ourselves, thus, who cares?

在差不多半个世纪后,默顿看起来还是处于欢乐中毒中。Almost half a century later, Merton still seems just as intoxicated by the joy of it.

沉浸在这样一种浓郁的民族氛围中,你定是醉忘世事。Immersed in such a strong environment of ethnic culture, you will surely be intoxicated.