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舞蹈、恋歌和灼热的欢乐!Dance and provencal song and sunburnt mirth !

想起花神,恋歌,阳光和舞蹈!Dance, and Provencal song, and sun-burnt mirth!

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你要是去普罗旺斯,普罗旺斯方言是书面语If you go to Provence then, Provencal is a written language.

肉眼牛肉,配香草烤土豆,奶油菠菜和烩蔬菜。Rib Eye, with Roasted Provencal Potatoes, Spinach Cream and Vegetable Ragout.

这家4星级酒店将现代风格与真正的普罗斯旺传统完美地结合在一起。This 4-star hotel combines modernity with a décor true to the Provençal tradition.

品闻花神的芬芳,令人想起绿色国度,舞蹈,普罗旺斯情歌,到处充满欢笑!Tasting of Flora and the country green, Dance, and Provencal song, and sunburnt mirth!

伊丽莎白·戴维对普罗旺斯菜肴的色香味津津乐道。Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste, fragrance and character of Provencal cuisine.

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Provencal表示,白矮星是一颗“死”恒星,不像太阳那样自己生成能量。A white dwarf is a "dead" star that doesn't generate its own energy like the sun does, Provencal says.

酒店餐厅供应传统美食以及普罗斯旺美食,还提供一系列精选的当地葡萄酒。The hotel restaurant offers traditional and Provençal cuisine and a carefully selected regional wine list.

但是当它离开书本应用于耳朵时,普罗旺斯的法语也许更容易成为另一种语言。But remove it from the page and apply it to the ear, and Provençal French might easily be another language.

其良好的结构也可以使其与更复杂的菜系搭配,特别是地中海和普罗旺斯菜。Its fine structure will also enable it to match more complex flavours, especially Mediterranean or Provencal dishes.

一些流行的风格例如法国的普罗旺斯就是如此明显的是这类乡村风格。然而,他们拥有自己的魅力和个性。Some popular styles such as French Provencal can hardly be classified as rustic, yet they have their own charm and character.

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接下来的几天,两位领导人将前往****举行更多的会谈并在****举办晚宴。The following day the two leaders head to the French Riviera city of Nice for more talks and dinner at a cozy Provencal restaurant.

“恒星的结构和成分是怎样决定它的跳动,”Provencal说,“去年,WD1524就完全改变了它的跳动方式。"How stars pulsate depends on their structure and composition, " says Provencal. "Last year, WD1524 completely changed how it was pulsating.

白天你骑着本田金翼1800摩托车在美丽的乡村巡航,晚间入住豪华旅馆,享用普罗旺斯美食。You’ll cruise through gorgeous countryside on a Honda Goldwing 1800 by day, and stay in luxury hotels and tuck into fine Provençal cuisine by night.

十四行诗很可能最早流行于13世纪意大利西西里岛的宫廷诗人,他们从普罗旺斯民谣歌手的爱情诗中得到启发。The sonnet probably originated among the Sicilian court poets of the thirteenth century, who were influenced by the love peotry of the Provencal troubadours.

质地滑顺、不黏腻,蕴含滋润修护肌肤的乳油木果油、有机橄榄油与普罗旺斯有机蕃茄精萃。Formulated with enriched olive butter, organic olive oil, organic Provencal tomato extract, and Aloe Vera and calendula extracts, this deeply moisturizing cream very smooth but non-oily.

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正像英式的田园风格,一些法过普罗旺斯的家具素材也是朴素的、当地结构的宫廷家具。而另外一些款式地方化。Just as with English country styles, some French Provencal furniture pieces were simpler, locally constructed versions of court furniture while other styles were original to the provinces.

在这里面学校扮演了主要角色,所以这些说着,方言或者普罗旺斯语或者加斯科涅语的孩子们,我把加斯科涅语忘了,在波尔多附近,他们操着勉强能接受的法语唱着马赛曲,上前线等待被屠杀And the schools play a major role in this and thus all these kids who grew up speaking patois or Provencal or Gascon-- I forgot Gascon, around Bordeaux, they can sing the Marseillaise in acceptable French as they march off to be slaughtered.