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福建省九牧轻工集团有限公司。Fujian Jomoo Light Group Co. , Ltd.

我来自福建省福清市。I am from Fuqing City, Fujian Province.

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福建漆器远近闻名。Fujian lacquerware is known far and wide.


是福建力佳股份有限公司的配套单位。We had matched for Fujian Lijia Share CO.

我可以讲福建话、英语和马来语。I speak Fujian dialect, English and Malay.

福建北面与浙江交界。Fujian is bounded on the north by Zhejiang.

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“八闽”的名字比“福建”要早。The name "Eight Min" is older than "Fujian".

福建莆田有没有猪笼草?Do Fujian Pu Tian City have common nepenthes?

我是福建师大毕业的。I am a graduate from Fujian NormalUniversity.

我们现在就是在福建的漳州市。We're now in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province.

石齐,1939年生,福建省福清县人。Born in Fuqing County, Fujian Province in 1939.

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中共福建炼化公司委员会。The Party Committee of Fujian Oil Refine Company.

安溪县位于福建省泉州市。Anxi County, which in Quanzhou of Fujian Province.

先是在福建厦门行医。She practiced medicine in Xiamen, Fujian Province.

首先在福建厦门行医。She practised medicine in Xiamen, Fujian Province.

福建君悦大酒店,商务人士的伙伴!Fujian Enjoy Hotel, your intimate business partner.

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三明是福建省的重工业基地。Sanming is Fujian Province's heavy industrial base.

其次,妈祖是闽系人的神。Secondly, Fujian Department of Matsu is one of God.

这篇文章说的是在福建省的南靖县。The article said Nanjing county in Fujian province.