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有人怨棉花。Others blamed cotton.

斯潘塞谴责自己。Spencer blamed himself.

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日内瓦——有人怨大豆。GENEVA — Some blamed soybeans.

他责备我疏忽大意。He blamed me for my negligence.

他指责约翰不说老实话。He blamed John of telling a lie.

大家都怪他不懂礼貌。So he was blamed for no manners.

他责骂她的贪婪。He blamed her for her greediness.

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纳瓦再次被谴责。The Nagual was once again blamed.

他们责备他出了事故。They blamed him for the accident.

都怪该死的考试!!!All strange blamed examination! ! !

她因为杀猫而受到指责。She was blamed for killing the cat.

他责怪菲奥娜让他过了一个糟糕的周末。He blamed Fiona for a lousy weekend.

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他把失败归咎于他的老师。He blamed the failure on his teacher.

这也不能说是学校的课时安排欠妥。This couldn't be blamed on the school.

我懊悔不该错怪了她。I regretted having blamed her unjustly.

是我错怪你了!对不起!I am sorry, I shouldn't have blamed you.

现在有些年轻人根本指责不得。Now, some youngster even can't be blamed.

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他把这归罪于市场竞争这个魔鬼。He blamed the evils of market competition.

她怪自己不该提起这个问题。She blamed herself for raising the subject.

斥责东尼不守规则。Jill blamed Tony for not observing the rule.