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我们两人把它平分吧。Divvy it up between us.

我们把钱平分了吧。Divvy up the money between us.

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盗贼们同意把赃物瓜分掉。The thieves agreed to divvy up with the spoils.

我们应该让股东们分享更多的利润。We'll have to divvy up more of the pot with the shareholders.

如何分摊所削减的产量将是决定的关键细节所在。Deciding on how to divvy up the output cuts is a pivotal detail.

太棒了,我会把这些分给我的夥伴。如果需要我们,让我们知道就好了。Splendid. I'll divvy this up with the other chaps. You just let us know when you need us.

官员表示,这套分区系统还将帮助政府分配帐篷以及其他更长期的住房。The districting system will also help divvy up tents and other more permanent housing, officials say.

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在你狼吞虎咽吃下之前,将其分成三份——税后收入、储蓄和其他。Before you gobble it up whole, divvy it up into three slices for after-tax income, savings, and everything else.

举例来说,在二十世纪七十年代,虽然当时两国正式交战,但是约旦和以色列仍然就如何分配水达成了协议。In the 1970s, forexample, Jordan and Israel agreed on how to divvy up water even whenthe countries were officially at war.

夫妻双方应该商定如何分摊各种财务责任,比如一方负责投资理财,另一方负责日常开支。Couples should determine how to divvy up the various financial obligations that exist. Maybe one takes charge of investing and the other balances the checkbook.

其他所有的四肢行走动物,例如狗,猫和马,这些功能被分配到不同肢体上,后肢主要负责驱动前进,而前肢则起到类似刹车的作用。All other four-legged animals, like dogs or cats or horses, divvy up those duties. With their rear legs powering the push forward, and their front legs acting as brakes.

这个过程开始于政府和菲亚特公司分摊克莱斯勒的计划,美国汽车工人协会和美国加拿大政府控制的信托基金。The process started with a precooked government plan to divvy up the company between Fiat, a trust fund run by the United Automobile Workers union and the American and Canadian governments.