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到那个时候,人类再想挽回则为时太晚。By then it will be irretrievably too late.

她已经无可挽救地跟他妥协,那是不能否认的了。There was no denying that she had compromised herself irretrievably.

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午后出现的"黄金时代"也被抛在我们身后。The Golden Age lies irretrievably behind us in an earlier part of the afternoon.

她们最爱做的,就是找到一个无药可救的坏男人,然后把他变成令人乏味的好男人。They like to find us quite irretrievably bad, and to leave us quite unattractively good.

珍爱的东西无可挽回地失去了,做什么也都于事无补了。Something treasured had been irretrievably lost, and there was nothing to be done about it.

大脑包含1000亿个脑细胞,每天不可挽回地失去其中的10万个。The brain contains 100 billion brain cells of which, 100, 000 are irretrievably lost each day.

微软是否已经无可救药地迷失在它过气的、大客户大许可证的世界观中了呢?Is Microsoft irretrievably addicted to its old-fashioned, fat client and fat license view of the world?

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改变一个深根蒂固的坏习惯是需要一定的勇气的,但是,有时候人们必须这么做。It is always an effort to challenge habits that are irretrievably misdirected, but, sometimes one must.

离婚判决书称这段婚姻“完全破裂、无可挽回”,没有必要尝试调解。The marriage was described in court documents as " irretrievably broken" with no point in trying to reconcile.

审视完这些废话之后,我发现这种晕轮效应总是伴随着一些看起来一去不复返的东西而出现。After surveying my nonsense I Found that this halo effect always attaches itself to things that seem irretrievably lost.

他们必须趁鲸鱼在浮上水面换气时捕杀,因为那时鲸鱼的肺充满了空气,否则牠们会就此沉入海中。The whales must be killed as they surface for air, while their lungs are full, otherwise they will sink irretrievably into the ocean.

甚至有些人还发布一些不实信息,给当事人的名誉和未来生活造成无可挽回的损害。Even some of person still releases a few disloyal information, with future to the reputation of party the life is caused damage irretrievably.

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你将永远不会听到黑斯廷斯指出这一点,但是,与科技世界的众人不同,他是一个安静的破坏者,默默地和不可逆转地破坏着商业模式。You'll never hear Hastings point that out, however. Unlike many in the tech world, he's a quiet disrupter, sabotaging business models silently and irretrievably.

你仿佛是第一次这样近距离地看他的眼睛,你觉得自己甚至能够在这双眼睛里看见深刻真切的幸福,你觉得一切都开始不可挽回地融化。If you are the first such a close look into his eyes, you think you can even in this pair of eyes see the deep real happiness, you feel everything begins irretrievably melt.

但是他只接受了一次小报的采访,事后很快就后悔了,除此之外,这位31岁的保镖一直是个谜,就像那灾难的最后几秒钟被锁在他大脑里无法取出一样。But apart from one tabloid interview that he instantly regretted, the 31-year-old bodyguard remained as enigmatic as the last fateful seconds locked irretrievably inside his head.

我漠然看着褪了色的童年面容,似乎找到了童年的梦,却又觉得它早已远远离开我,再也不属于我自己,仅仅是一种无可奈何的存在而已。I stared blankly at my little face in the faded photos, feeling as if I were reliving my childhood. But I also felt that my childhood had long been irretrievably gone and no longer belonged to me.