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但是我庆祝得太早了。But I celebrated too soon.

哥伦布日在哪一天庆祝?When is Columbus day celebrated?

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不应该庆祝失败。Failure should not be celebrated.

这句隽永而极著名的诗That exquisite and celebrated verse

这可是有名的伊犁红啊。But they are the celebrated Ili Red.

于是,我们到了著名的澡盆边。And so we come to the celebrated bath.

东京的樱花远近驰名。Tokyo is celebrated for cherry blossoms.

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他举行宴会庆祝白己的生日。He celebrated his birthday with a banquet.

他在他的同代人中名声显赫。He was celebrated amid his contemporaries.

神父在教堂中举行大弥撒。The priest celebrated High Mass in church.

每年都是在纽奥良庆祝。It is celebrated in New Orleans every year.

2006年,大野一雄迎来了第100个生日。Ohno celebrated his 100th birthday in 2006.

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全国人民庆祝库克的凯旋归来。The whole country celebrated Cook's return.

排灯节是一个充满热情与欢乐的节日。Diwali is celebrated with fervor and gaiety.

那个地方以温泉著名。The place is celebrated for its hot springs.

金巴兰海滩以海上日落著称。Gold balaam beach with sea sunset celebrated.

小金鱼鲨奇刚刚庆祝了24岁生日。Sharky has just celebrated his 24th birthday.

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现在圣乔治日在欧洲仍然是一个重要的节日。St Georges Day is still celebrated in Europe.

我们欢度中秋佳节。We celebrated the joyous Mid-Autumn Festival.

他们办舞会庆祝他的生日。They celebrated his birthday with dance party.