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再给西贡一两天的时间吧。Give Saigon a day or so.

金边到吴哥,西贡到河内。And Phnom Penh to Angkor, Saigon to Honai.

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贡苑法式越南餐厅有三层,大概90个座位。The Saigon Court has three floors, and can seat around 90.

教堂附近的西贡邮局里面总是熙熙攘攘。The Saigon Postoffice near the church is always full of tourists.

楼在光天化日的西贡大街上朝那人头部开枪。Loan shot the man in the head in broad daylight on the street in Saigon.

他不多想过去在西贡街上要饭的生活。He doesn't think much about his past life as a beggar in the streets of Saigon.

胡志明市新城区富美兴最好的中餐海鲜火锅酒家。Best Chinese Seafood & Hotpot restaurant in New Saigon City Centre Phu My Hung area.

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工作人员均非常有益的,并将引导的优点和缺点西贡你。All of the staff were very helpfull and will guide you through the pros and cons of Saigon.

咖啡馆和咖啡店被安置在塞多纳酒店西贡中心。Several relaxed cafés and coffee shops are housed within the Saigon Centre with Sedona Suites.

晚上安排夜游西贡河,一边用晚餐一边欣赏越南佳丽歌舞及西贡河两岸迷人夜景。We spend our night cruising along the Saigon River while enjoying dinner and a dancing performance.

在西贡这个又热又潮湿的地方,现代与破败共存。And so to hot, humid Saigon itself, a place that manages to be modern and moribund at the same time.

爱儿卡最近出生,连园方管理员都感到意外,因为他们并不确定爱儿卡的妈咪莎冈是否怀孕。Elka's birth recently was a surprise to zoo keepers who weren't sure mum, Saigon , was even pregnant.

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第二天,北越的坦克毫无抵抗地开进了西贡市中心。该座城市被更名为胡志明市。The following day, NVA tanks drove unopposed into central Saigon. The city was renamed Ho Chi Minh City.

但在西贡鸦片馆,克里斯托弗·沃肯和俄式转轮这件事太残忍了。But that thing with Christopher Walken and the Russian Roulette in a Saigon opium den—that was outrageous.

1975年西贡沦陷之后,50,000多名越南人几乎在一夕之间迁到圣何塞。More than 50, 000 Vietnamese had relocated almost overnight to San Jose following the fall of Saigon in 1975.

西贡丽景大饭店为旅客提供结合自然秀丽与享受的环境带给您豪华与宁静的感觉。Legend Hotel, Saigon combines natural beauty and sheer opulence to provide the best for the discerning traveler.

和节奏的栏杆,他的母亲阅读所有的邮件从一个城市的男孩在一个丛林镇邮戳西贡。And by the rhythm of the rails , reading all his mother's mail from a city boy in a jungle town postmarked saigon.

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这道由西贡流传而来的牛肉汤中有进口薄牛肉片、牛肉球和豆芽。配有泰式宽河粉。Thai rice noodle in beef broth with sliced imported beef fillet, beef balls and bean sprouts originated from Saigon.

山西战后,陆地鏖战法军、直捣西贡,忧虑海防的言论萌发。After the War of ShanXi, the voices of fighting against France on land, seizing Saigon and apprehension of naval defending rose.

婴儿空运行动的首架官方飞机坠毁在西贡郊外的稻田中,死了144人,其中大部分是孩子。Operation Babylift's first official flight crashed in the rice paddies outside Saigon , killing 144 people, most of them children.