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也许是肝静脉?Maybe the hepatic vein?

怀特读了很多相关的书。He read a lot in that vein.

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静脉为蔓状丛。Vein is tendril shape clump.

我今天没有心情写作。I'm not in the vein for writing today.

头静脉的营养血管。The nutrient vessels of cephalic vein.

所有大脑内静脉均注入大脑大静脉。All CIV drain into great cerebral vein.

我的每条血管为献身而跳动。Each vein of mine throbs with devotion.

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最后,他因动脉破裂而去世。Finally, he dies when his vein bursted.

静脉给药可发生静脉炎。Vein can produce phlebitis to medicine.

叶脉结构较为复杂,主脉发达。The structure of leaf vein is complicated.

静脉壁的炎症。Phlebitis Inflammation of the wall of a vein.

褪部静脉剥离术后的维护。After sheds the vein decollement the maintenance.

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你的信件则在继续挖掘这一霍布斯哲学的传统。Your letter continues mining this Hobbesian vein.

金矿床主要为含金硫化物石英脉型。Gold ore main type is auriferous quartz vein type.

医生把葡萄糖注射入病人的静脉。The doctor injects glucose into the patient's vein.

他脖子的静脉被切惭,失血而死。A vein in his neck was severed and he bled to death.

我们不能割断民族的文化血脉。We must never sever the cultural vein of our nation.

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要是我们不完成使命,他就会白白牺牲。He'll die in vein if we don't accomplish our mission.

她熟练地把注射针插入我的静脉里。She expertly slid the hypodermic needle into my vein.

髓质中央有一大的静脉,称中央静脉。There is a central vein in the center of the medulla.