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感染似乎局限于脚部。The infection seemed to localize in the foot.

他们会不断的减小,寻找空间来定位问题源。And they do that to localize the source of the problem.

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部分产品开始向本地化、系列化方向发展。Part of products have been started to localize and seriation.

大多数媒体公司都认为,有必要对产品进行本土化设计。Most media companies acknowledge the need to localize their fare.

这个看起来很奇怪,但是确实全球化程度越高,我们也越来越本土化。It may seem strange but the more we globalize, the more we localize.

无法将这场政治骚乱的影响限制在局部范围内。It's impossible to localize the effect of this political disturbance.

硬度是材料抵抗局部塑性形变的量度。Hardness is a measure of the resistance to localize plastic deformation.

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定位浮标是为满足水下蛙人部队定位要求而设计的。The positioning buoy is designed to localize the underwater frogman army.

将利益分割协调问题仅局限于寻找客观的依据上。Localize the devision &harmony of profit just on finding gist objectively.

现在您可以使用一种更快、更简单的方法来本地化菜单、按钮和消息了。Now you can localize menus, buttons, and messages in a faster, simpler way.

您刚才已经看到如何在项目范围的基础上本地化字符串资源。You have just seen how to localize string resources on a project-wide basis.

如果逼不得已必须写一些丑陋的代码,把这些代码局限在一个类中。If you must do something ugly, at least localize the ugliness inside a class.

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政府将会明白国际公司本地化能力。The government will see how international companies localize their capability.

西方开发者也必须考虑应用在亚洲国家的本地化。Western developers must also consider the need to localize apps in Asian countries.

移动式标签感知器,无论各种吊牌、间隔式标签纸卷皆可准确定位。The mobile label sensor can accurately localize various tags and segmented label rolls.

有些语言,特别是基于拉丁文字的,相对容易本地化。Some languages, particularly those with Latin-based scripts, are relatively easy to localize.

仔细分析旁路逆传激动顺序可以精确定位,成功消蚀。Analysis of the retrograde sequence of AP activation may localize and ablate the APs successfully.

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许多已知的造成小头畸形的基因产物都集中于中心体,来调节细胞命运和细胞增殖。Many known microcephaly gene products localize to centrosomes, regulating cell fate and proliferation.

要在当地解决这一问题,最好方法莫过于设立一个正式的联营,或则在朋友间搞个小奖励机制。Setting up an office pool, or a cheap prize amongst friends may be the best way to localize the issue.

该算法可以检测任何修改,且能把篡改定位精确到一个像素。The algorithm can detect any manipulations and can localize the modifications to a single-pixel level.