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滴虫病比梅毒常见。Trichomoniasis is more common than syphilis.

患有滴虫病的女性不可能传染其他的女性。Females cannot infect other females with trichomoniasis.

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感染滴虫病的孕妇有早产的风险。A pregnant woman infected with trichomoniasis runs the risk of giving birth prematurely.

患有滴虫病的孕妇有早产的危险。A pregnant woman infected with trichomoniasis runs the risk of giving birth prematurely.

滴虫病是牛的一种接触传染的性病。以不育、子宫积脓和流产为特征。Trichomoniasis is a contagious, venereal disease of cattle characterized by sterility, pyometra and abortion.

在男性患者,症状会在数周内自行消失,甚至没有治疗也是这样。In the male, the symptoms of trichomoniasis may disappear by themselves within a few weeks, even without treatment.

除非在出生后立即得到治疗,感染滴虫病的母亲生产的新生儿有致盲的危险。Newborns of a mother infected with trichomoniasis run the risk of blindness unless treated immediately after birth.

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方法采用前列腺液普通细菌培养和STD系列检查。Methods Adopting common bacteria culture of prostatic fluid, examination of STD Series, mold and vaginal trichomoniasis.

患有毛滴虫病的男性和女性患者都更易受HI病毒感染,也更易在它们的性伙伴中传播HI。Both men and women with trichomoniasis hae an increased susceptibility to HI infection and may transmit HI to their sexual partners.

但是,既然大多数男性患者和许多女性患者并没有症状,这个忠告说起来容易,做起来难。However, since most males and many females infected with trichomoniasis have no symptoms, this advice is more easily given than taken.

一项最新的研究结果表明在那些患有常见的性传播疾病即毛滴虫病的妇女中,感染HI的风险会显著增高。A new study shows a significantly increased risk of HI infection among women with a common sexually transmitted disease, trichomoniasis.

通过从性器官观察到不正常的脓液和在显微镜下检查到滴虫,便能够诊断。Trichomoniasis is diagnosed by looking at the abnormal discharge from the sex organs and by examining a sample of it under a microscope.

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虽然处方药甲硝唑和替硝唑能治愈毛滴虫病,但药物抗性问题已越来越多。Although the prescription drugs metronidazole and tinidazole usually cure trichomoniasis , drug resistance has become an increasing concern.

软下疳肯定会增加HIV的传播性,单纯疱疹、梅毒、滴虫病和其他STD感染更可能引发HIV传播。HIV transmission is definitely increased by chancroid and may be more likely in the presence of herpes, syphilis, trichomoniasis , and possibly other STDs.

他解释说对于支原体感染和淋病过去的研究得出了相同的结果,但对于滴虫病全部的证据并不充分。Past studies have yielded similar findings when it comes to chlamydia and gonorrhea, he explained, but the overall evidence is not as strong for trichomoniasis.

Peterman说虽然滴虫病妇女经受着反复性病感染的风险,但对于建议这些案例常规复查是有点犹豫的。Although women with trichomoniasis were at risk of repeat STD infection, Peterman said he was "a little more hesitant" to recommend routine re-testing in these cases.