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欢迎你来石狮开心英语培训基地!You are welcome to Shishi Happy English Training Base !

广州另一个非洲人聚集地,是石室天主教堂。Guangzhou's other African gathering spot is Shishi Catholic Church.

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每到周日下午,石室教堂的英语弥撒让人感觉身在非洲。Every Sunday afternoon, Shishi Church's English Mass feels like one is in Africa.

第五章为石狮服装城战略实施与保障。The final chapter, the implementation and insurance of Shishi clothing city strategy.

石狮市,循环经济在最近几年的发展,主要表现。Shishi City, the development of circular economy in recent years, the main performance.

唯一的胜利来自丁伟,他继春兰杯后再克李世石九段。The only victory comes from Ding Wei, he after cymbidium virens cup again gram Li Shishi.

亿兴五金鞋材有限公司总部座落于福建侨乡石狮市,公司创建于1999年。Yixing Hardware Shoes Material Ltd. locates in Shishi city, Fujian. It was established in 1999.

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第三章为内部环境分析,主要针对石狮服装城项目本身进行分析。The third Charpter, interior environment analysis, mostly aims at interpreting the project of Shishi clothing city.

我司地处于环境优美的海滨城市石狮,它素有服装之都的第一美誉。Our Company, located in Shishi which is reputed as"Capital of Garments", is a seashore city with beautiful environment.

美国客户来石狮验厂下单,认为如此小厂能开发出这类高档面料不可思议。United States customers to Shishi factory orders, think small factories to open issue such incredible high-grade fabrics.

它是依照法国一个教堂的图纸于十八世纪修建的,因为是石头砌成的,所以称之为石室。It is in accordance with France's drawings of a church built in the eighteenth century, as is the stone, so called Shishi.

看来,李世石我行我素的性格不仅在棋盘上体现得淋漓尽致,生活中也是名不虚传。It seems that Li Shishi its own character not only reflected on the board in the head, life is a well-deserved reputation.

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经清初的复建,石室延续其教化功能于后世。With ist rebuilding in the initial Qing Dynasty, Wenweng Shishi continued its educational function in the following centuries.

但是去年以来,这个市场开始出现萎缩,石狮服装货架业的发展遭遇“晴转阴”。But since last year, the market began to shrink, Shishi clothing shelf industry development experience "turned cloudy and sunny".

尽管差距很小,但李世石已经不愿意再忍受煎熬,于295手投子认输。Although the disparity is very small, but Li Shishi was not already willing to endure the suffering again, dices in 295 admits defeat.

公司设在素有“小香港”之称的石狮市,地理位置优越,交通方便,环境幽美。Our company is located in Shishi city, with excellent location, transport links and fine environment, and renowned as "Miniature Hong Kong".

石狮盛传服饰织造有限公司是一家外商独资企业,实行“研发、生产、销售”一条龙的经营理念。Shishi Shengchuan Apparel & Knitting Company, a solely foreign-owned enterprise, is integrating garments research, production and marketing.

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福建创忻钢圈厂创建于2003年,位于泉州市泉港区界山工业区,占地100余亩,员工100余人。Fujian Xin Chong Wheel Factory, founded in 2003, located in Shishi City, Bao Industrial Zone, covers an area of 100 acres, more than 100 employees.

裕源服饰公司坐落于环境优美、交通便利的中国服装名城——石狮。Yuyuan Clothing Company is located in the Shishi city, which is with excellent location and transport links, and renowned as the clothing city in China.

石狮市布料同业公会相关负责人告诉记者,科技创新、拥有自己的高技术含量产品已经成为服装行业的共识。Shishi fabrics Association official told reporters, technological innovation, with its own high technology products has become the clothes industry consensus.