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你们是约翰和海伦。Kayo sina John at Helen.

但他却是新浪微博的创始人。But he is the founder of Sina Weibo.

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我怀疑新浪有个麦黑计划。I doubt sina has an agenda of a TOH.

这条评论在新浪微博上被赞了3080次。The comment got 3080 likes on Sina Weibo.

祝新浪博友2011年春节快乐!Wish sina blog 2011 a happy Spring Festival !

每个你我,都是一颗星星,在新浪的天空里生生不息。Each of us is a star shines in the sky of Sina.

我们相信新浪会在与何勇的官司中败诉。We believe that SINA will lose the lawsuit to Mr.

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为何新浪微博里会有勋章奖赏系统呢?Why is medal reward system existed in Sina Weibo?

司马光跑到了水缸边上,可是水缸太大了!Sina Guang came over to the vat, but it was so big!

在新浪英孚网页提高你的英语!Improve your English with English First and!

言归正传,中国政府会关掉新浪微博吗?So, would the Chinese government shut down Sina Weibo?

我是保建昆老师。来自新浪UC-官方大厅-外语天地-博哈英语课堂。I'm Mr. bao , from Sina UC both happy English classRoom.

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去年十月,红红开始在新浪网上写自己的故事。Last October, Hong Hong began to write her story on Sina.

郭去疾这样向新浪科技回忆道。Guo Quji is recollected to sina science and technology so.

毕晓普认为新浪在微博上线时具有敏锐的政治嗅觉。Bishop said Sina was politically astute when launching Weibo.

UC是新浪推出的一款大众化的信息交流工具。UC is a popular means of communication produced by Sina. com.

我不知为何会这样,或者我用了一些新浪的保留字。I don't know why. Maybe I've used some reserved words of sina.

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新浪微博上一位叫做一路白加黑的网民这样说。said a Netizen called Yilubaijiahei in a Sina Weibo microblog.

新浪在中国互联网行业拥有不可置疑优势。Sina has undisputable advantages in China 's Internet industry.

中国的新浪微博是世界上最好的造谣机器。China's Sina Weibo is the world's best rumor-mongering machine ever.