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她咽下自己的咸咸的眼泪。She swallowed her briny tears.

谁永远航行在苦咸的深海上?Who ever sailed the briny blue?

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一股咸味道的空气吹来,弄得树木沙沙作响。A briny wind blew, rustled the trees.

咸池沐日,扶桑中国。Sun taking briny taste, China under Fusang trees.

在大洼地里把咸井水与含盐份的泥土混合在一起。Briny well water is mixed with salty earth in large depressions.

纳塔丽耸耸肩膀。“我不知道,勃拉尼,这是个荒凉的地方。”Natalie shuddered. I don't know. It's a godforsaken place briny.

灵犀,想仔细,一叹,咸苦之泪,轻拍土壤出清溪。Musing, pondering, a breath, a briny tear, a dab of liquid or soil.

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千万不要把盐水弄到眼睛里去,以免造成眼结膜损伤。Must not go to briny lane in the eye, lest cause eye conjunctiva loss.

大体上这个世界,特别是你的海上世界,是认可鞭刑的。The world in general, and even more your briny world, accepts flogging.

是亲吻鱼嘴接着嘴浪漫地遨游在无尽的海中吗?A re the kissing-fishes shuttling back and forth in boundless briny romantically?

为了保证扬州盐水鹅的卫生质量和品质。The objective of this experiment is to guarantee the quality of Yangzhou Briny Goose.

“你可能会惊讶于,”布朗先生说,“它咸咸的吻给食品增加的风味。”“You might be surprised,” Mr.Brown says, “by what foods are enhanced by its briny kiss.

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盐湖的生态系统包括盐水域和环湖盐沼带两个亚系统。The ecosystem of saline includes briny region and annulus lake salina to take two inferior system.

同时,醇和的黑啤酒还起到除味点心的作用,平衡牡蛎那种咸丝丝的味道。At the same time, the velvety stout acts as a palate-cleanser, balancing the briny taste of the oyster.

大盘的内部有九条蛟龙,配以海水江涯组成的底纹。The interior of grail has dragon of 9 flood dragon, match the ground lines that comprises with briny river limit.

随着现代活动排放的二氧化碳在海洋找到了“归宿”,海水渐渐发出变酸的警示。All of it is growing alarmingly acidic, as the carbon dioxide spewed out by modern activities finds its way into the briny.

现代生产中喷涌而出的二氧化碳最终会融入了海水,海洋整体的酸化也令人担忧。All of it is growing alarmingly acidic, as the carbon dioxide spewed out by modern activities finds its way into the briny.

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他们将来也会回归,正如阿布拉哈一样,带着宝贵的技术,以及异于陆路国家的对于大海的追求。They would also return, as Mr Abraha has, with valuable skills and a hankering for the briny unusual in a landlocked country.

地下水流的流动会使得沙粒积累,并使得表面变得粗糙,从而颜色更深。A subterranean flow of briny water could rearrange sand grains or alter surface roughness in a way that darkens its appearance.

分析结果表明,曾流过这些古老火星熔岩表面的水含盐量极高。The new analysis shows that the water that would have flowed across these ancient Martian rocks may have been exceedingly briny.