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这鞍子安得很牢。The saddle is secure.

它看起来像一个马鞍。It looks like a saddle.

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把鞍子系在马背上。A small saddle horse or pony.

座垫疼痛,可以毁灭一坐。A saddle sore can ruin a ride.

但是这匹马肯受鞍子吗?To remove a saddle from a horse.

他纵身跨上马鞍。He swung himself into the saddle.

我们都备好马,在德克萨斯州见。Well saddle up and meet in Texas.

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骑士一跃而跨坐鞍上。The jockey vaulted into the saddle.

马鞍擦伤了马背。The saddle galled the horse's back.

但是这匹马肯受鞍子吗?But will this horse bear the saddle?

丢鞍总比失马好。Better lose the saddle than the horse.

把鞍子系在马背上。Fasten the saddle on the horse's back.

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叫他牵住小马并套上马鞍。One who breaks wild horses to the saddle.

马鞍山秀,采石水清。Beautiful Saddle Hill, clear Caishi Water.

坐鞍是马具的一部分.The saddle is a part of a horse's harness.

骑马时要骑在鞍子上。When riding a horse you sit on the saddle.

骑一只狮鹫需要一种特殊的鞍。Riding a griffon requires an exotic saddle.

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叫他牵住小马并套上马鞍。Tell him to catch the ponies and saddle up.

这辆自行车车座对这孩子来说太高了。The bicycle saddle is too high for this child.

我们得到命令,天一亮就要上好马鞍准备出发。We got the order to saddle up just after dawn.