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乖狗狗,坐到围裙上来。Good dog, sit on this apron.

散水有什么作用?What's the function of apron?

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爱达在围裙上擦了擦手。Ida wiped her hands on her apron.

他的右手拿着那件旧围裙。In his right hand was the old apron.

他开始解她的小围裙。He began to unfasten her little apron.

玛丽亚把手伸进围裙的口袋。Maria put her hand in her apron pocket.

她在新围裙上缝上一只口袋。She stitched a pocket on the new apron.

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一个身著白围裙的女佣开了门。A maid in a white apron opened the door.

别对我使眼色。戴上你的围裙。Don't wink at me. And put on your apron.

在你拍去了围裙上的炭灰之后。After you dusted cinders from your apron.

他使劲拉她的围裙和手。And he tugged at her apron and the hands.

她身上裹着一条鹿皮围裙。She was cinctured with a deer-skin apron.

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她把余下来的布缝成一条围裙。She made up the remaining cloth into an apron.

她站起来,把她的双手在围裙上摸了摸。She stood up and wiped her hands in the apron.

水泥停机坪上有三架巨型飞机。There were three jumbos on the concrete apron.

围裙是做脏活时的保护物。An apron is a protection when doing dirty work.

停机坪的设计还包括聚酯剔骨。The apron design also includes polyester boning.

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飞机库前面停机坪上,一架战斗机正在起动。A fighter plane is revving up on the hanger apron.

我尽力想象着米基·曼特尔戴着一件围裙。I tried to imagine Mickey Mantle wearing an apron.

她用胸前的围腰擦擦手,生气地说。She dried her hands on the apron and said angrily.