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他那含糊的回答弄得我们很为难。His vague reply disconcerted us completely.

我改变了主意,打乱了她的计划。I changed my mind and disconcerted her plan.

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男人常常被女人的情感所困扰。Men are often disconcerted by womens emotions.

大家都对娜塔莎的举止感到困惑不解。Every one was disconcerted by Natasha's behaviour.

她不断地乱翻报纸使我们心神不定。Her constant shuffling of newspapers disconcerted us.

我们很可能因思绪的中断而感到困窘。We are likely to be disconcerted by hiatuses of thought.

他发现自己遗失文件而惊慌失措。He was disconcerted to discover that he had lost the papers.

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你提的问题让他当场下不来台。Your question stopped him in his tracks, ie disconcerted him.

显然,英国的反应让这位大使很不安。The ambassador was clearly disconcerted by the British reaction.

每次看到他举止如此幼稚我都会感到很受挫。I feel disconcerted each time I see him behave in such a childish manner.

有些人很窘迫,总是处于推搡和拥挤之中。Some are always crowded and must push and struggle for room, always feeling disconcerted.

沙威明明有点被马德兰先生的那种恬静、安闲、行若无事的态度窘困了。Javert was evidently somewhat disconcerted by the perfect naturalness and tranquillity of M. Madeleine.

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寻仇的人群见了这局面一时不知如何是好,紧接着便下了火车冲了上来。The hostile gang was temporarily disconcerted by the manoeuvre, then it dashed from the train in pursuit.

不知为什么,我总是对着你哭,你便心乱如麻,烦躁不安。Do not know why I always weep with no reason in front of you which made you utterly confused and disconcerted.

如果说话者说话时看着你不断,如果他试图控制你,你就会感到不安的。If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, as if he tries to dominate you, you will feel disconcerted.

家里突然来了一个外国人,一定使这两个女人不知如何是好,因为我发现要引她们说话很困难。The sudden appearance of a foreigner in their home must have disconcerted the women, for I found it very difficult to make them talk.

但是接下来他们又不幸地得知,在他们做完这个试验之后不久,马上又有黑人大学生在那里受到了种族歧视的待遇。However, they were disconcerted to learn that local black college students had been refused service as recently as the night before the reporters' experiment.

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学员们被玛弗的叫喊搞昏了头脑,开始把注意力从导师身上转向玛弗,他们被玛弗从自己宁静平和的心境中硬拉出来,吃惊沮丧不已。Disconcerted by these wild shouts, the disciples turned their attention from their teacher to Maeve. Jerked out of a deep tranquillity, they reacted in shock and frustration.