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没有退步的进步!No retrogressive progress!

这就是所谓日本战争的退步性。This is what we mean by the retrogressive nature of Japan's war.

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本文阐述了溯源淤积和侵蚀基准面的概念。This paper dwells the concepts of retrogressive aggradation and the datum of erosion.

影像学检查,关节突关节呈退行性改变。Retrogressive change occurs at joints of cervical vertebral processes, shown by radiological examination.

松散填土边坡的失稳模式为有多重滑面的牵引破坏模式。The failure mode that developed during rapid drawdown of water level was of the multiple retrogressive type.

当斜坡临空面地层为推覆滑移软弱地层时,易产生牵引式的表层滑动。When the free face strata were the soft bed strata, the surface retrogressive sliding came into being easily.

目的探讨退行性膝关节炎患者自我保健的健康教育方式和效果。Objective To study the modalities and the effects of health education the treatment of retrogressive gonarthritis.

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榴辉岩原始特征保存完好,仅遭受轻微的退变质作用和叠加变质作用。The eclogite remains well its original characteristics, which has only suffered slight retrogressive metamorphism.

目的探讨退行性膝关节炎患者自我保健的健康教育方式和效果。Objective To study the modalities and the effects of health education during the treatment of retrogressive gonarthritis.

火炮身管从开始使用到报废是一个逐渐的过程,以前没有对此过程划分等级,现在随着火炮威力的提高,研究身管性能等级问题就显得尤为重要了。It is a gradual retrogressive process in the use of a gun barrel from being brand new to being finally discarded as useless.

刘再复等人把他这种“思想进步,创作退步”的现象,称作“何其芳现象”。Liu Zaifu and some other people called the phenomenon of "progressive thought, retrogressive creation"-"the phenomenon of He Qifang".

目的对不同温针灸治疗膝骨关节炎的临床效果进行客观评价。Objective To objectively evaluate the clinical efficacies of different types of warm needling in treating retrogressive gonarthritis.

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退行性腰椎管狭窄症与年龄、外伤、高强度体力劳动等因素有关。Retrogressive lumbar canal stenosis is closely associated with factors such as age, trauma, and physical labor with strong intensity.

最后还探讨了洞穴侵蚀与其它侵蚀方式之间的相互联系与作用,对沟谷溯源侵蚀的发生机理提出了新的认识和建议。The new understanding on gully retrogressive erosion was put forward by an approach of relationship between tunnel erosion and other erosion forms.

新司法解释的属人因素及属事因素上都对行政诉讼原告资格作出了限制性规定,有些规定甚至是对行政诉讼法的倒退。However, its limitation is obvious. Either the human-related factor or the event-related factor is limited, and some regulations are even retrogressive.

而先有断层,后溯源侵蚀发育的冲沟则不能形成”肘状拐弯“的断错水系。However, the gully which later developed by retrogressive erosion can't be called "elbow bending" offset system if it appears later than the fault does.

结果表明,潼关高程与渭河下游泥沙冲淤密切相关,潼关高程下降后,渭河会产生溯源冲刷。It may infer that if Tongguan's elevation is descended by 2m, the gradient of lower reaches of Weihe River will increase because of retrogressive erosion.

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对退化赖草地采取施肥、灌溉、耕翻及划破草皮等综合措施进行了试验研究,结果表明,以上措施可明显提高草地生产量。The yield of grass could be obviously increased by taking measures of fertilization, irrigation, plough and scarification to the retrogressive Leymus grassland.

与此同时,技术效率和要素配置效率出现了恶化,而规模效率则从恶化走向了改善。Meanwhile, technical efficiency and factors' allocative efficiency are deteriorated with scale efficiency switching from being retrogressive to being progressive.

然而第二,由于日本社会经济的帝国主义性,就产生了日本战争的帝国主义性,它的战争是退步的和野蛮的。Secondly, however, the imperialist character of Japan's social economy determines the imperialist character of her war, a war that is retrogressive and barbarous.