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德文卷毛猫是一种很好的无毛猫种。Devon Rex is a great hairless cat.

又白又嫩,光滑如鹅蛋,难以想象!Which is as white and hairless as an egg.

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小拉尔夫现在是一条粉红色的无毛狗了。Ralph, Jr. is now a reddish, hairless dog.

天啦!你一定是那些无毛的凯蒂中的一员。My, you must be one of those hairless kitties!

我的天啊,你一定是一只无毛猫咪吧!My, you must be one of those hairless kitties !

一缕缕飘动的长发,但是脸部和身体却没有毛发。Long flowing locks, but his face and body hairless.

然而,结果却是雌性比雄性更加缺少毛发。Yet they ended up even more hairless than the males.

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这头吃鸡的怪物,其实是一匹没有毛的狼。This savage chicken-eater was actually a hairless wolf.

他们有皱纹,灰棕皮肤,几乎是无毛。They have wrinkled, gray-brown skin that is almost hairless.

从本质上讲,去毛的过程是人类进化的关键。Essentially, being hairless was the key to much of human evolution.

他的身体布满长的褐色头发,但是他的脸是无毛的。His body is covered with long brown hair, but his face is hairless.

刷子状的尾巴属于缺陷,整个无毛或部分无毛的尾巴也属于缺陷。A brush tail is a fault, as is also a partly or wholly hairless tail.

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茎有卷须和卷取是绿色的,纤细,无毛。The stems have coiling tendrils and are green, slender, and hairless.

看着我的光头欣顿走向教室,那真是一大景色。It was a sight to watch my hairless Sindu walking towards her classroom.

我发现以上的所有措施对我的冠毛犬真的很有用。I have found that this system worked for my Chinese Crested hairless dog.

他们脸上无毛,突出的下巴上利齿密布。Their hairless faces have protruding lower jaws filled with pointed teeth.

我想造出一种可以解决这些无毛犬各种皮肤问题的产品。I wanted to make a product that would would deal with the skin issues of the hairless dog.

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近日,美国佛罗里达州坦帕的布什花园的一头无毛土豚宝宝首次亮相。Recently, the United States, Florida, Bush Gardens in Tampa, a hairless baby aardvark debut.

小食蚁兽生活在树上,它可以用强壮的、几乎无毛的尾巴挂在树枝上。The tamandua lives in trees, where it can cling to branches with its strong, almost hairless tail.

在炎热的非洲没有毛发没什么问题,但是一旦人类到了北极,这就是一个退化了。Being hairless in Africa was not so bad, but once we moved into Arctic lands, it had real drawbacks.