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气化是相当复杂的热化学过程。Gasification is quite complex thermochemical process.

煤气化是目前煤化工的主要路径。Coal gasification is the chemical industry's main path.

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煤气化是洁净煤技术的重要组成部分。Coal gasification is a key issue of Clean Coal Technology.

中国利用气化煤生产化肥已有几十年的历史。China has made fertilizers through gasification for decades.

气化炉是生物质气化发电系统的核心设备。Gasifier is the core component in biomass gasification for power system.

这个专题著作是煤和生物量气化技术的一本入门。This monograph is a primer to coal and biomass gasification technologies.

原煤焦气化残渣中主要含钙铝黄长石。Gehlenite is the major constituent in the gasification residue of raw char.

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气化炉内秸秆是否烧畅,如烧畅应添加秸秆。Check whether the straw in gasification device is burn out. If so add straw.

检查气化炉内秸秆是否烧穿,如烧穿应添加秸秆。Check whether the straw in gasification device is burn out. If so, add straw.

气化让硫释放成其基本形式,让它更容易还原。Gasification liberates this in its elemental form, making it easy to recover.

实验结果表明,气化反应温度越高,碳转化率和气化反应速率越高。The higher the gasification temperature is, the higher the carbon conversion is.

人体“精气神”的气化状态直接影响人体的生理功能。Gasification condition of Spirit, Qi, Soul direct influence physiologic function.

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在常压流化床装置上进行了生物质在富氧条件下定向气化的实验研究。Biomass gasification under O2-rich gas was carried out in a fluidized bed reactor.

气化炉是将液化石油气从液态快速气化的设备。The gasifier is liquefied petroleum gas liquid from the rapid gasification equipment.

大型气化电厂用的配件美国许多城市都能找到,IST公司把它们的体形都给缩小。IST shrank the components of big gasification plants found in several American cities.

以CO2为吸附质,测定了无烟煤焦在气化过程中微孔结构的变化。The variations of microstructure during gasification were measured using CO2 as adsorbate.

作为其战略方向,应发展以煤气化为核心的多联产系统。Co-production based on coal gasification should be the strategic direction of these efforts.

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生物质气化机组是生物质气化集中供气技术系统的关键设备。Biomass gasifier is a core device of current biomass gasification central gas feed technology.

位于宁夏的一个工程和萨索尔公司进行合作,采用了南非萨索尔公司的气化方法。One, in Ningxia, is a tie-up with SASOL that uses the South African firm's gasification methods.

渣油加工有脱碳工艺、氢工艺及沥青气化工艺。Residue processing can be summarized as decarbonization, hydrogenation and asphalt gasification.