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他本人于2005年从伯特利神学院毕业。Seminary San Diego in 2005.

这所学校有十分重要的象征意义。The seminary is of enormous symbolic importance.

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证明武神学院的都是废物!Proof force theological seminary of is all reject!

旧约教授,曾任教于圣约神学院,惠敦大学。Er professor, Covenant Seminary and Wheaton College.

我是个神学院研究生,研究所有这些东西。And I am a seminary graduated all kind of that thing.

我的哭闹使我年龄不到就被送到东方学堂去了。My crying drove me prematurely into the Oriental Seminary.

在学医和进神学院之间我犹豫了很久。I vacillated for a long time between medicine and seminary.

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林春腾弟兄七月中已于北美华神毕业。Brother Eric Lin has graduated from NA Chinese Seminary in July.

王艾明牧师,神学教授,神学博士,金陵协和神学院副院长。Rev. Prof. Dr. Aiming Wang, VP. Nanjing Union Theological Seminary.

弗兰克·詹姆斯是戈登康威尔神学院的院长。Frank A. James III is provost of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.

这所神学院是在约旦河西岸建设犹太人定居点的主要支持者。The seminary was a bastion of the settlement movement in the West Bank.

2000年在信经神学院读函授研究生,肄业。In 2000, she studied the graduate courses at Xinjing Theological Seminary.

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在四月三日那天,我正在密芝根州激流城的神学院作客座讲师呢。On April 3, I was guest-lecturing at a seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

1893年,州立法将曼荷莲女子学院升格为大学。In 1893, under a state law, Mount Holyoke Female Seminary became a college.

当他放弃神学院时,外祖父流下了眼泪,并把他撵出了家门。His grandfather wept when he quit the seminary , and threw him out of the house.

第二,我父亲得到普林斯顿神学院的入学资格,这是一所在美国声誉卓著的学校。Second, my father was accepted to Princeton Seminary , a prestigious school in the U. S.

1887年秋天,玛丽登上了开往北卡罗莱纳,康科尔多的斯科舍神学院的火车。In the fall of 1887, Mary boarded a train for Scotia Seminary in Concord, North Carolina.

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玉山神学院那鲁湾合唱团是在纯净朴质的天然环境下孕育而成的。The Naruwan Chorus of Yushan Seminary is cultivated in a surrounding of unadorned nature.

加利福尼亚州的帕萨迪纳的福乐神学院是北美最大的神学院之一。Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena , California, is one of the largest in North America.

你曾否被任何大专院校,大学或神学院命令退学或拒绝入讀?Have you ever been denied admission to, or dismissed from, a college, university or seminary?