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“我倒了两天时差”怎么说?I had jet lag for 2 days.

成比例的玩具小人模型也表现出这种滞后。A scale model showed the same lag.

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也许是你昨天倒时差的关系。Maybe it's jet lag from yesterday.

为什么迟滞期在应答初期出现Why the lag phase at the beginning?

用长刃的殇葬送我的英华。Using long blade clasped my acs lag.

我时差还没调过来。I haven't recovered from jet lag yet.

这项工作必须毫不迟延地进行。This work must go forward without lag.

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要谦虚,否则就要落后。Be modest, otherwise you will lag behind.

我花了一个礼拜才把时差调过来。It took me a week to get over my jet lag.

手工编码的SVG,所以它是快速和滞后的自由。Hand coded SVG, so it is fast and lag free.

京东商城也不甘落后。Jingdong mall also unwilling to lag behind.

追求进步,不该落后。Pursuit of progress, should not lag behind.

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但它们许多穷人常常远远落在后面。But many of their poor often lag far behind.

一个原因是一些国家仍很落后。One is that some countries still lag behind.

主屏的切换有一点延迟。Swapping between home screens has a bit of a lag.

我出国旅游之后一周都会有时差。I get jet lag for a week after traveling overseas.

取得预期效果之前的时滞很明显。Time lag before the desired effects are discernible.

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长途航班,时差,难喝的咖啡,马拉松式的会议…Long flights. Jet lag. Bad coffee. Marathon meetings.

贸易反弹似乎操作起来有点滞后。TRADE backlashes appear to operate on a bit of a lag.

不再需要无止境地等待电子邮件或者是电话回复。Forget the lag time of email or waiting for a call back.